Chapter 12: Nubian queen

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Ty called TJ the following day to try and explain what had happened because he knew that she had seen the photos from the club.

TJ : hello

Ty: how have you been TJ?

TJ: good and u?

Ty: I know you saw the photos of me and the girl from the club. I wanted to explain and...

TJ interrupted him and said "you don't need to explain, it is none of my business. You made it clear it was over. I really need to get ready for work"

Don't hang up TJ please and he started singing a song he did with Leon Timbo

"Sometimes love stares u right in your in the face...makes you regret the choices u made. Makes you regret the choices u made...yeah...I'm sorry baby"

Ty: I'm really Sorry TJ can we try to work things out

TJ: I think it is better to leave thing the way they have been the past few weeks. We should have never crossed the line. Now we ruined a perfectly good friendship. Things will never be the same between us.

Ty: you know I was supposed to perform at an award ceremony next week in Durban, South Africa . Are you still willing to go with me?

TJ: I can't go with you, Tyrese. You made it clear it was over between.

With that TJ hung up on him.

Ty was dumb founded in all the 13 years they had known each other. She had never done that. He knew that when she called him by his full name things were really bad.

Later that day

Ty had noticed this gal on twitter, she looked very young about 18 every time she commented on his status she always said some profound and deep stuff that were way mature than she looked . He was hoping that she was not a teenager. The gal was from South Africa and who knows they might meet up when he goes there to perform next week.

He decided to check out her profile picture again. She looked about 5'2. She was extremely hot. He usually went for light skinned gals. This one was dark skinned and she had very short hair in her pic with no make-up at all. How can someone be so beautiful without make up? He remembered that TJ was also very hot without make up on. But that part of his life was over. She had made it clear that it was over and he knew there was no turning back.

He went back to check the gal's profile. There was no year of birth on her profile. June 14, the day she was born. Hmmm a Gemini, she must be a feisty one.

She was wearing a short dress and heels on her profile pic. She was slim thick. Not too slim, not too thick with a tiny waist and some hips. Her chest was not too small, she was probably a C cup. She looked like she could be a Size 4.

He decided to follow her back and DM her.

Ty: hey they're.

Gal: this the real Tyrese?

Ty: yes it is... How are you doing beautiful lady?

The gal did not reply she did not know whether this was a scam or if someone had hacked into Tyrese's account.

Following morning:

The gal had still not responded. Ty decided to DM her again.

Ty: hey there pretty lady. This is the real Tyrese Gibson. I would like to know you better.

The gal only replies 12 hours later.

Hi Tyrese Gibson. My name is Nandi you can, video call me so that I can make sure this is for real. Sorry for only replying now. It was night here and I have just woken up.

Ty decided to call Nandi (Pronounced Nun-dee).

She couldn't believe when she received the call but she decided to act cool and not to show how excited and nervous she was.

They spoke for a few minutes and from the call the gal told Ty that she was 25 years old and worked in the Advertising industry. Her Name was Nandi which means sweet in Zulu.

Ty called her the following day and told her that he was coming to Durban to perform at the MTV Africa Music Awards.

Nandi told him she stayed in Johannesburg which was an hour's flight from Durban.

Ty really wanted to meet her so he organized a plane ticket for her to go to Durban for the awards. He also arranged accommodation for her and a friend at the same hotel he was staying in. He organized back stage passes for Nandi and her gal. The plan was to meet and go out after the awards

The last song that Ty sang at the awards was I can't stop loving you by Kem. It made him think of TJ but there was no turning back. He knew that even though he will always love her he needed to move on.

Nandi did not show up for the awards which kinda dampened Ty's spirit as he was looking forward to meeting her.

Thank you for reading. Much appreciated

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