Chapter 3 - Mission

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" They're so less jobs. I wonder why..." Erza tapped her chin.

" That's because our guild was the least wanted guild in Fiore. " Romeo blurted out.

" What? " the Tenroujima team asked in unison.

" Oops. " Romeo said.

" We competed in the grand magic games and always ended up in last place for the past seven years. That's why we are the least wanted guild in Fiore but the twins still went on missions and got jewels. " Macao explained.

" We're back with 700,000 jewels. " the twins said in unison as they came in with Suki behind them.

" 700,000 jewels?! How did you get that?! There's no jobs on the request board here that said 700,000 jewels." Macao asked in disbelief.

" Those bastards gave us a 700,000 jewels job for what they did here. So, we gladly accepted it. Suki-neesan did the negotiating with them. " Ruki replied as he took out two bags filled with money.

He tossed the bigger bag on the counter top and money spilled out.

" 500,000 jewels while we take 200,000 jewels. " (Y/N) said.

" How strong are you? " Natsu asked.

" Might as well experience it. It's better than saying it. " Suki answered for them.

" Then, let's go on a mission then. I need to pay this month's rent. " Lucy suggested.

" What about it, Ruki-niisan? " (Y/N) asked.

" Sure, why not. But...we have plans today. If you don't mind, can we do it tomorrow? " Ruki asked.

" Of course! We will do it tomorrow then. " Lucy agreed.

" You can also pick the job you want to do. " Erza informed them.

" Sure! " the twins replied, excitedly.

" We'll meet you tomorrow morning. See you! " Suki waved as they exited the building.

The next day...

" You're early! " Natsu exclaimed.

" What do you mean? We always come here at seven thirty in the morning. " (Y/N) asked.

" Have you picked a job? " Gray asked as he fiddled with his pockets.

" We're going to pick it now. Let's go." Ruki said as they started walking.

" Where are we going? " they asked.

" You'll see. " Suki said with a mischievous smile on her lips.
" Isn't this a guild building? " Gray and Erza asked at the same time.

" The one and only charity drive guild, Love & Friends, guild. " (Y/N) smiled as they entered.

" Nakamura-sama! I wasn't informed you were coming today. " the receptionist said, bowing.

" Well, our friends wanted to go on a mission so do you mind? " Ruki asked in a sweet tone.

" O-Of course not! Let me just see what we have. " the receptionist stuttered.

" Wh-What would you like? " she asked again.

" Would you mind giving us an A-class quest, please? " Suki asked.

" I-I'm sorry but- "

" Let's chat shall we? " Suki asked with a fake pink aura around her.

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