Chapter 9 - Pandemonium & Naval Battle

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" Welcome to the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games! Today, our competition is called the Pandemonium and Naval Battle! All participants please proceed down to the arena. "

Erza was going there for Fairy Tail Team A, (Y/N) for Fairy Tail Team B, Hibiki from Blue Pegasus, Jura from Lamia scale, Milliana from Mermaid Heel, Obra from Raven Tail, Rocker from Quatro Puppy and Orga from Sabertooth.

The first one was Erza who challenged all 100 monsters and defeated them in minutes.

" Sorry, I took longer than expected. " she said as everyone else's jaw dropped.

They decided to rank us through the MPF (Magical Power Finder). Currently, Jura was in the lead with over 8000 points. (Y/N) sighed as she was the last one.

She stepped forward a few steps away from the MPF. She breathe in and let it out and raised her hands and closed her eyes and started chanting a spell.

"O thy gods from the heavens, thy demons from hell, grant my power with heaven's and hell's unison raid...Light, Dark...UNITE! " (Y/N) chant and shouted the last word out loud as a swirl of white and black light hit he MPF.

The MPF was broken when the dust cleared and the points were stuck on 9999. Everyone's jaws dropped again as Fairy Tail was doing unexpectedly well.

(Y/N) just smirked before going back to her team. She high fives her brother as Mira hugged her and the other two just nodded their heads and smirked as well.

Next was the naval battle, since (Y/N) hates doing water activity so they asked Juvia to do it for her. The participants were all females except for one who came from Quatro Cerberus.

All of them entered the water sphere and started battling the moment it started. They eliminated the only male first before eliminating each other.

Unfortunately as well, Juvia later was out of the water sphere. Little did anyone know that (Y/N) and Ruki had looks of horror and anger as they watched the match.

'Nii-san, how cruel can she be? I feel like I'm going to kill someone.' (Y/N) telepathically told Ruki as they were griping onto the railings as they continued to watch a horrendous sight in front of them.

Lucy was being tortured by Minerva and (Y/N) was regretting on why she did not go instead.

Punch by punch, kick by kick, Lucy was losing her strength and was completely beaten but Minerva didn't stop until the referee stopped it. Anger boiled inside of Erza, Gray, Natsu, (Y/N), Ruki and all of Fairy Tail as they watched.

" Sabertooth. " Erza, Gray, Natsu, (Y/N) and Ruki spat with murderous looks directed towards them.

Sabertooth just smiles cheekily as they kept on shooting murderous glares towards them

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Sabertooth just smiles cheekily as they kept on shooting murderous glares towards them.

Lucy's body was all bruised up as Minerva held Lucy out of the water sphere by holding her hair. She then let go of Lucy and she started falling.

Natsu and Gray rushed to catch her and kept on telling her to hang on. Erza, (Y/N) and Ruki jumped from their viewing area and down to the arena and stood together with murderous looks.

Minerva get down from the water sphere while asking, " What are you staring at? "

" What are you staring at? " she asked again as the Sabertooth team appeared behind her.

" What's the point in beating an opponent who has already lost? " Erza growled as her dark aura started appearing.

The audience started cheering, " Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! "

They had a staring contest with murderous looks but the most deadliest looks were from the twins whose eyes were glowing dangerously crimson red.

" Let me tell you this, " Erza stepped forward, " you had just angered the one guild you shouldn't have. " Erza said as she clenched her fist while Wendy and Chelia were tending Lucy's wounds.

Then, the twins stepped forward and everyone turned to look at them.

" Listen here and listen well, you think you could get away by saying you were playing by the rules? Think again. You hurt our nakama and you will pay for it. " they said in unison in a dangerous tone.

They weren't looking like how they looked before. (Y/N)'s hair had tuned pale blue and was tied in pigtails. Her clothes consisted of a midnight blue dress which was all the way down to her knees with ruffles at the top and bottom. She wore leggings and flats as well.

She had horns and white demon wings but with a few parts in black. The same goes for Ruki with his wings. His hair turned navy blue while he was wearing a button-up, vest, necktie and some casual jeans. He wore formal shoes.

Everyone looked at them in awe. They had to admit it...they looked awesome. No one could be compared to them. Then, all of a sudden the twins felt a hand on their shoulder and saw their older sister...Suki who smiled at them reassuringly.

Then, Suki also transformed. She had longer hair which was in the colour of sky blue and was in a ponytail. She wore a blue top which only stopped under her breasts and had some denim shorts on. She had some sneakers but she also had demon horns and wings.

" Do that again...and consider yourself unlucky. " she said with venom before the three of them turned back to their normal form and heading to the infirmary where Lucy was carried into.
The two teams were inside Lucy's room. She was fast asleep until she started to wake up.

" Minna...? " she said, staring at us intently.

" Gomenasai... " she cried as she draped an arm over her eyes.

" It's not your fault. It's those Sabertooth scums who are at fault. Don't worry, Luce. " Natsu did his toothy grin as Lucy took her arm off.

" Here, Lucy. " Happy came and gave Lucy her keys.

" Arigato! " Lucy smiled and hugged her keys before drifting off to sleep.

Then, the door slammed open and in walked Makarov.

" Good, two teams are here. Since, Raven Tail was disqualified, we have to merge the two teams together. " Makarov said.

" It doesn't matter to long as I can kick those Sabertooth members...I'll avenge Lucy. " Natsu said with a growl.
" Everyone! What you have all been waiting for...Fairy Tail's new team! "

In walked as Fairy Tail's new team was none other than Laxus, Gajeel, Natsu, Ruki and (Y/N).

The crowd stared cheering as all of the team members had serious faces.

'We promise...we will win this!'

Author's Note :

I'm so sorry! I just realised I skipped a few matches. I'm really sorry as I'm very stressed out as my exams starts next Monday so I'm really sorry for skipping some of them. Anyways, hope you enjoyed them!


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