Chapter 6 - Grand Magic Games [3]

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" ALRIGHT! LET US START THE FIRST GAME! IT IS CALLED HIDDEN-KABO! " Mato screeched in the microphone which made the whole arena to cover their ears.

" Who'll play? " Mira asked.

" I'll do it. " Ruki said in an emotionless expression.

" Alright. Good luck. " Laxus and Gajeel nodded their heads.

" Kanbare, Nii-san. " (Y/N) whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

" Mm-hmm. " he nodded and walked out into the arena.

" I didn't know I would be up against you, Ruki. " Gray said as he stood next to Ruki.

" I volunteered to do so. " Ruki replied as he kept his eyes glued to the front.

" NOW LET US BEGIN...HIDDEN! " after Mato announced and once he announced the start of the game, the game started. Everyone was transported to different locations.

" I see. The player is the hider and seeker. They need to hide from their opponents but must also attack an opponent to gain a point. " (Y/N) spoke up and everyone turned their heads to look at her.

She just kept her eyes on the lacrima screen.


" Did Ruki know about this? " Mira asked, eyeing the girl.

" No, but he's able to figure it out on his own. " she replied with a small smirk.

Surely enough, Ruki figured it all out after two minutes and quickly ran away from the decoys as well as tracking down the other participants.
Sabertooth won with Fairy Tail Team B in second but it wasn't that joyous as Fairy Tail Team A got last place.

" Nii-san, I'm gonna check on something. " (Y/N) whispered and left.

'Hibiki, may I speak to you privately?' Ruki telepatically asked to Hibiki who immediately responded.

'Sure, I'll meet you at the hallway.' Hibiki and Ruki quickly left their guild's viewing area and met each other at the hallway.

" May I know what you want to talk about? " Hibiki asked politely.

" I'm surprised to see you here, Biki-baka. " Ruki said with a mischievous small smirk.

" Oi! Don't call me that! " Hibiki's face was red from embarrassment.

" Why did you leave? Why did you leave...her alone? " Ruki asked with a serious and slightly hurt tone.

" I didn't mean to...hurt her. I...just wanted to join the guild of my dreams. " Hibiki mumbled sadly.

" You better explain to her once you have the chance. I'll telepathically tell you once you have the right opportunity. " Ruki said quietly and went back to his team's viewing area.


" Gray, daijobu(1)? " (Y/N) asked as she appeared in front of Gray.

" I...I disappointed our guild. I'm ashamed. " Gray muttered.

" Gray, " (Y/N) gently wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

" this always happen, no matter what, the guild won't be disappointed. Just have faith in yourself. " (Y/N) whispered and patted his hair.

" Arigato, (Y/N). " Gray smiled and both of them went back to their guild's viewing area.

" Manage to calm him down? " Ruki asked.

" Mm-hmm. Nii-san, there's not much time left. " (Y/N) mumbled.

" Our identities will be revealed to them no matter how hard we try to keep it in. " Ruki replied in a hurt tone.

" I'm sure they're giving us the power. And I'm definitely sure, Nii-san, that we will do our best. " (Y/N) smiled and returned her gaze back to the matches.

" You should talk to him. " Ruki said out of the blue.

" You mean Hibiki? "

Ruki nodded.

" Maybe. " (Y/N) replied.

" I already talked to him. He wants to explain. "

" Fine. "

'Hibiki, can you hear me?'

Hibiki's P.O.V

'HIbiki, can you hear me?'

I heard (Y/N)'s voice and quickly replied in my mind, knowing she's talking to me through telepathy.


'I want to talk to you at around 7 at the cherry blossoms. Do you mind?' she asked.

'I'll meet you.'
It was 7. I hurriedly went to the cherry blossom park. There I saw (Y/N). She was wearing a hot pink dress and a butterfly clip in her hair as well.

" (Y/N)... " I said quietly and she looked up with her crimson eyes.

She looked down and started playing with the hem of her dress. We stood there for a complete five minutes of silence until she broke it.

" I'm waiting for you to explain yourself. " I heard her say.

I looked at her and bit my lip. Without thinking, I just blurted it all out.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V

" I see. " I said after he had explained.

To be honest, I kinda got jealous when he mentioned Karen and also slightly relieved when he said that she died during a fight. Wait, what am I thinking?!

I looked at him and detected him feeling guilty for what he had done. I sighed and turned away.

" I haven't forgiven you but that doesn't mean I hate you. " I said and walked back to the inn.

No one's P.O.V

" I haven't forgiven you but that doesn't mean I hate you. "

Hibiki smiled at what she said as he watched her retreating form. He looked down at his hands.

" I promise to make you happy. I promise. " he said before leaving to go to his inn.

(1) Daijobu means Are you alright


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