Chapter 4 - Grand Magic Games [1]

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" Can we please participate in the Grand Magic Games this year? " Romeo pleaded.

" No, we will not. " Macao stated firmly.

" But the Tenroujima team is back! We can surely get first place now! " Romeo begged.

" No, even if the reward is 3 million jewels. " Macao said, crossing his arms.

Makarov's eyes suddenly turned into dollar signs when he heard 3 million jewels.

" We're going to participate in the Grand Magic Games! " Makarov announced.

" Who's in the team? " Gray asked.

" Good question. I'll tell you soon. Just train for now. " Makarov nodded his head before going to his 'office'.

" Let's go and train. " Erza said before dragging Natsu and Gray away to the forest with Lucy following them.
" I've decided! The team that is going to participate in the Grand Magic Games is Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Wendy! " Makarov announced.

" Alright! I'm all fired up now! " Natsu exclaimed as his hands busy into flames.

Then, the Nakamura siblings entered through the doors. They went on a mission which took them a week. They just came back, clueless.

" Here are 80,000 jewels. " Suki handed Macao a bag full of money.

" Ah! Ruki-san, (Y/N)-san, Master wants to see you in his office. " Miraiane said to the twins.

" Hai. " they said in unison as Suki took a seat at the bar.

They knocked on the door and entered. They saw Laxus, Gajeel and Mirajane there as well. The three looked surprised by what they were wearing.

Ruki was wearing black jeans, red shirt, combat boots and a black leather jacket. He also had a black cape over his shoulders.

(Y/N) was wearing a red dress which was in a gothic style with black trimming. She also wore thigh high black stockings, red combat boots and a black cape over her shoulders. She also had a red feather clip in her white hair.

" You asked for us? " Ruki asked.

" Yes. The Grand Magic Games have changed a bit from what I heard. They said that a guild can send two teams only. Since I chose Natsu's team and Wendy to go. I want you five to go as well as Fairy Tail Team B!" Makarov announced.

" Eh, I don't like being the B team. " Gajeel said.

" I have to agree with him. " Laxus nodded in agreement.

" How about this? The winning team can ask the losing team to do whatever they want for a day? " Makarov offered and immediately the team were thinking about what to do with them except for the twins.

" Although we can't let the other team know. " Makarov had a sly smile on his face.

" I see. When will we be leaving? " (Y/N) asked.

" Tomorrow. Do you mind? " Makarov replied.

" Mm-hmm. Let's start packing, Nii-san. " the twins left without another word.
" Ne, what are you two doing here? " Natsu asked.

Ruki and (Y/N) were sitting in the same car as Team Natsu and Wendy. They didn't tell them they were participating yet.

" We came to cheer you on. " Ruki replied.

" Eh, thanks! You really are great friends! " Natsu said with a cheeky smile.

'Seriously, how naive.' (Y/N) hid a small smile.

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