Chapter 9.1 - Memories of Sting & Rogue

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*The girl in the multimedia is like the image of the younger (Y/N). Although, just imagine the eyes are crimson red instead of blue. I do not own this picture, I just saw it on Google and fits the description of the younger (Y/N).

( Story will start below )

Sting and Rogue looked at the twins more specifically (Y/N) who looks strong and could protect herself. Sting looked down as the memories of his childhood with them flooded back into his mind.

" Regretting what you told her before? " Rogue asked quietly.

" Maybe. " Sting mumbled back as he stared at the ground.

( From here, it would be about their past together )

" Matte, Nii-san! Hibiki-niisan! " (Y/N) yelled as she ran, trying to catch up to the two boys who were running ahead of her.

They decided to play at the playground. Their older sister, Suki, just went to the nearby market to buy food for them.

Now, they were just playing a simple game of tag and (Y/N) was supposed to tag them.

" Come on, (Y/N)! We can't wait for you! You have to catch us! " five-year-old Ruki said as he kept on running around the playground with Hibiki.

After a while of chasing both boys, (Y/N) had her hands on her knees, panting.

" Meanies! You know I can't run fast! " (Y/N) pouted as she sat on the ground.

" Gomen, gomen, hime-chan. " Hibiki smiled and sat down beside her.

" Ne, wanna play hide and seek instead? Doesn't need any running. " Ruki suggested as (Y/N)'s eyes lit up.

" Un! "
" Nii-san! Hibiki-niisan! Where are you hiding? " (Y/N) cupped her mouth to make her voice louder.

" Where did they go? " (Y/N) suddenly felt scared that they mighty have left her.

" Nii-san! Hibiki-niisan! Where are you?! I don't wanna be alone! " (Y/N) cried out, close to tears.

She then suddenly saw a piece of fabric behind a slide which quickly disappeared. She started running there.

" Nii-san! Hibiki-niisan! Please come out! I'm scared! " (Y/n) cried out.

She then tripped over her own feet and fell down which scraped her knee badly. She then couldn't hold it in anymore and bursted out crying.

Two boys then appeared. One blonde and one had black hair.

" Ne, ne, daijobu? " the blonde one asked.

" Mama told me not to talk to strangers. " (Y/N) whimpered.

" I'm- "

" (Y/N)! Daijobu? I'm so sorry. Your knee is scraped badly. Don't move. " Ruki and Hibiki came up to her running and started apologising and saying things rather quickly.

" You want we can help treat her wounds. " the black haired boy said.

" (Y/N)! Ruki! Hibiki! What happened? What is going on? " Suki appeared with a few bags of food.

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