Dragon Master

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Ash's Pov.

"Let me quess this is a rebel camp and your the leader." Diaden quessed.

I said,"Your forgetting something."

"Please, tell me it's what I think." Kanan said.

I stepped on the edge of the cliff.
I whistled.

I jumped from the cliff doing a back flip.

Kanan's Pov.

I felt gust of wind.

"ASTRID!!!" I yelled.

"Stay back, Kanan." Jacks put a hand in front of me.

I felt a bigger gust of wind.

"Whoa........ I forgot she was the dragon master." Jacks said.

I asked,"Where is she!?! Is she alright!?!"

"I'm okay, Kanan."

I sighed in relief.

Jacks Pov.

"I hate you! You scared me you, jerk!" I yelled still smiling.

The dragon was dark purple with green eyes. It had a weird looking tail that I can't even imagine.
Ash painted the dragon in her room.

She said,"I was wondering if you would like him or not. His name's Dave."

She patted his head.
Ash got off the creature and back on the cliff.
She whistled again and the dragon flew off.

She smiled and put her hand back on Kanan's shoulder.

"We should get going." She said.

Kanan and Ash began to walk down the trail.

I looked at Diaden and Daiden looked at me.
"You guys coming?" asked Ash.

Sabine's Pov.

"Leave her out of this!" I yelled.
I pushed him backwards.
"She doesn't want to see you, Mark!" I yelled louder.

"Fine!" He yelled grabbing my shoulders.
"Then I need to talk to you......."
He sighed.

"Let go then maybe I will pay attention." I said.
He let go.
"Now tell me......"

He looked down at me.
"Idra...... There's a bounty hunter after her."
I gave him a look. "And?" I said quickly.

He said,"They want Kanan as well."

I felt my eyes open wider.

The door opened. It was them.
"Seems like your going to have that talk." I said.

Ash's Pov.

I froze.
"Astrid, what's happening?" Kanan asked.

I said,"Take, Kanan."
Diaden and Kanan went into the next room.
When I hear the door close I said,"Why is he here?"

"Because I can, Ash." Mark said now smiling.
I rolled my eyes.
Sabine looked at me then back at him.

"His coming for Kanan. The man himself.....Plus Idra is being hunted by a bounty hunter." He said.

I said,"How come that isn't suprising. How do we know your not lying?" He smiled and said,"Your going to have to trust me, Lover." I shook my head and said,"Never again I'll ever be your lover."
He laughed and he said,"I thought the same thing but it's impossible."

"I didn't ask for a romance talk. What bounty hunter wants Idra?" Jacks said. He answered,"Boba Fett......."

Jacks and Sabine walked out.

"Don't even thing about it!" I said quickly.

I opened the door to the next room.

Diaden looked up at me then stood up. He asked,"What's happening?" I sighed. I answered,"Idra is being hunt by Boba Fett." He shook his head. "That's her." He said seriously.

Ezra Pov.

I walked out of the ship and walked into the Ghost.
"Guys?" I stood there.

Tie hugged me. It made me flinch.
"Hey..... I missed you." I said.

"Same." She said.

Kanan and Ash (Complete📓) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now