Chapter 17

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Prince era, 1979

Ariana's pov

Prince and I spent a year just by writting letters to each others, and I was finally airing back to Minneapolis. He told me that he lived in a hotel room with Andre, and the rest of the band were in seperate rooms. All I could think of was getting back in my comfort zone.

I was driving for 24 hours now, of course I stopped by at a random hotel on my way. 4 hours later, I was finally arrived at 11pm approximately. Prince told me he'd join me at Edina, so that's where I went.

I was waiting in the car now. suddenly I heard a horn, It was Prince. I urged to get out of my car, the door was still open and we both ran into each others arms. We moved side to side as we embraced, his head was buried in my neck, I heard him sniffling so pulled away and I saw tears rolling down his cheeks "why are you crying?" I said wiping them away "I missed you so much" he pulled me in a tight hug again. He looked at me and said "can I?" I knew what he meant, "yes.." I smiled and we shared a very passionate kiss.

We spent the night being in each others company and talking about us while cuddling and kissing. It was so cute. That's when I realized that he was my comfort zone.

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