Chapter 32

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Graffiti Bridge era, 1990

Ariana's pov

It was only this morning that I woke up with his body pressed against my back, his arms around my waist. I guessed that he finished shooting his movie, and a smile slipped on my lips as I lingered on that thought. I found so much comfort in his arms, I felt much more safer. I closed my eyes and listened to his breathing.

I slowly turned my body around, so I could face him, trying to not wake him up. He stirred in his sleep, even his nose scrunched up when I decided to plant a smooth kiss on his cheek. It was just too cute. His hair covered his eye, I tried to move it behind his ear but somehow it kept falling down. I rested my hand on the side of his face, when I saw a smile crimped on his lips.

His hand held my wrist when he opened his eyes. "Hi beautiful" he said in a growl. His sleepy voice was adorable. "I missed you" I said as a sparkle appeared in his eyes. "I missed you too baby.. kiss me?" I cupped his face with my hands and kissed him. After a few seconds, I pulled away.

"Again.." he rubbed my forearm. "No" I teased. He grabbed my face and licked my cheek "Ew, Prince!?" I wiped my face. "Kiss me!" we both laughed and that's when he took advantage and put himself on top of me, pinning my arms above my head. So I gave in. "Happy now?" "very" we giggled.

"You wanna take a bath with me?" he said as he undressed himself. "I took one last night before going to bed" I stated. "Naw, come on baby.. Let me bathe you" he whined. "Alright.." I grinned. As we made our way to the bathroom, I took my clothes off and we left the door half closed.

After we climbed into the bath tub, Prince poured some shampoo in his hands and began to wash my hair. The sensation felt so good with the warm water on our skin. He gave me an unexpected kiss on my cheekbone as he rinced my hair. He grabbed the loofah sponge and lathered it up with a well scented body wash.

He passed the sponge on every part of my body, as I did the same to him. When we were done, we relaxed in each other's arms until we got out of the bath and dried ourselves.

When we got back in the room, Prince searched in my closet for God knows what. "Babe, can I borrow you some underwear?" "Sure.." he slipped one of my pairs on. I was writing in my book so I didn't pay that much attention until he took it from my hands

"Hey! What are you doing?" I said in a whining tone. "Writing about me?" he said as he read the few sentences I had wrote. "No, not really" I chuckled. "We should do something honey, It's been a while.." he placed his chin on my shoulder. "Okay.. what you wanna do?" "there, let me brush your hair.." I was about to do it myself but he took the brush from my hands, earning a small laugh from me.

"They're so soft.." he smiled ear to ear as he brushed my hair. Prince was always so caring, he was truly a gift from God. "I'm done baby.." he put the brush down on my nightstand, "you're such a sweetheart" I admitted. He sat himself on me, his legs on each side of mines, and gave me a sweet kiss with his plump lips.

"I can make breakfast if you want?" he said. "We can do it together like we usually do" "but, I want to take care of you.." he tightened my hand. "You already did" I let out a slight breathy laugh, "I want more" he kissed me once again.

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