Summer Love

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Dedicated to _SummerBUzz thank you for being such a great support during the writing of my books. And giving me some inspiration.


Do you remember the day,
When the sky turned blue?
And the breeze felt warm,
And I kissed you?

When we sat by that beach,
With the sand in our toes,
And the seagulls shared secrets,
That only we know.

What about that day when the sky
Turned purple and angry and hot,
And we cuddled close,
Whilst the lightning shot.

The nights when we lay,
With our heads in the stars,
And you said that you loved me,
Oh how special you are

To me the one you love and adore,
But to me you're the one,
Who will never leave my side,
Even when the summers gone.

I tried to be positive! Hope you liked!!!

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