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I wrote this when having a rough time with my boyfriend, we'd had some difficulties we were going through together and this best described my thoughts to him. he understood perfectly and I guess this is how easy it is to express ourselves. so go ahead guys, try writing when your hearts all up in a knot . Write to your hearts content!

So right now we both feel broke?
So here goes me writing again.
It's the only way instead of spoke.
For me to share feelings I send.
So this is how I write a poem.
Buy typing down the words.
In seconds,minutes hours.
And it's easy when heart hurts.
So here you see me writing.
An author to your eyes.
It's not a talent it's a lifestyle.
And my emotions are what drive.
How easy it is for me to do it.
To write the words one to three.
It's better for me to express this way.
Because in person I can't speak.
Coz I'll cry or I'll break down.
I'll probably scream at the walls.
I'm not mad at you it's me.
And it's gonna be that who falls.
Sure I lost some confidence,
That's the worst thing to hit.
We can go comedy again some day.
But this mornings what caused shit.
I'm not mad at you for doing it,
But thoughts think and brew,
Am I not good enough and so on?
Am I not something that's true?
That's what scares me Alexander
That you'll see what's a hella good
It's not me but some girl prettier.
And I'm scared you'll fall outta love.
So look I'm writing a poem.
This is what I'd sit and do.
Same with the card and papers above.
Coz it's how I show my love to you.

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