Broken Beloved

45 12 10

Dear love,

Remember when we sat and spoke for hours,
Never bored, never scared, just confident.

Remember when you picked all those flowers?
And all those letters, those passionate pieces we sent?

I still hold them to me when the shadows invade,
Thinking of your scent, beautiful eyes and hair.

Oh how they gave me comfort and save,
Me from the shadows and the spiteful air.

The memory of when you left me, alone and broken,
Whilst you fell for another, who's words meant more.

But what about all the things we had spoken?
Do they still mean nothing, I cannot be sure.

Broken Beloved do you know how you made me
And built me up so high.

How you made me feel beautiful and see
Myself in the sea and the stars in the sky.

You crushed what you allowed to grow,
What you planted there in my heart.

You taught me how to love and know,
That in the end we fall apart.

Be kind to the next my broken beloved,
She may not cope as well as me.

Deep down our limits are covered.
We are as predictable as the sea.


Broken beloved.

Please vote and comment. This is for TyraRedwood, thanks for the wonderful idea! ❤

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