Chapter 15: A Visit From Time

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The battleship rocked back and forth among the smooth ocean waves. Its dull metal hull cut through the water easily, and the imposing guns situated along the bow kept any would-be attackers well away. Flaking paint along the side revealed an emblem, looking like a dragon with a rope around its neck. It was a bleak sight for most, resonating stories of torture and pain, but for the occupants it was a temporary safe haven.

Sitting on the very edge of the hull was the silver dragon, looking over the ocean. Her shell shined in the morning sun, the dazzling light it caused dancing across the deck. The pale golden scales along her underbelly shimmered softly with gem-like quality. But despite her radiance, she seemed tired; her large wings limp against her side and long tail unmoving behind her.

The sound of claws against metal caused her to turn around, and smile. Blaze, her brother, was walking toward her yawning softly. They had been three days at sea now, slowly moving up toward India, where they planned to travel down the coast until the sea no longer took them in the direction they wanted to go. One of the humans had hacked into the ship's systems, disabling the tracker every D.E.D ship had and making it extremely difficult for anyone to find them.

"How are you feeling?" asked the fire drake, sitting down beside his sister.

"Better. Still a little warn, but it's disappearing," Silver replied, looking back over the ocean.

"That's not what I meant," he said, tilting his head at her.

She sighed. Travelling across the ocean without the need to fly had been a welcome advancement for the dragons. It took a fair bit longer, but it reduced the risk of them being found again, and allowed them to preserve their energy for when they really needed it. The problem was that the dragons were incredibly bored, and Silver found herself often wandering, thinking and worrying. She couldn't help it, and that atmosphere the ship created didn't help. Every day she felt as though the lives that she had taken not long ago were haunting her, weighing her down.

However that wasn't the most horrific aspect she had come across since their escape. She didn't know what it was, but it was like part of her had gone missing, or like part of her being had been torn away. She couldn't understand what it was, nor did she feel she wanted to. It seemed that equilibrium hadn't only changed her body, but her soul as well. This change had sent a primal fear running through her that she was struggling to control.

She smiled at her brother, "I'm fine," she lied.

"Silver," he said, "I'm your brother. I've known you since the moment you hatched. I know when you're not fine, and at the moment, even with your new body, it is quite easy to tell. Even West knows that something's wrong, and he's only known you for four days."

The dragoness snorted softly, "It's nothing to be concerned about Blaze. I'm just... thinking."

"I know. It's what you're thinking about that concerns me."


"Is it about what happened at A.O.D.H?" he cut her off, "About your equilibrium?"

She sighed again, "Look, I don't think you would be able to help either way, okay. So just leave it alone."

Her brother hesitated, before softly nodding his head, "Okay, if you say so. But at least come and join us down below. West has created this really... interesting game to pass the time. It'll help keep your mind off... whatever is troubling you."

Silver grinned slightly, "Fine. As long as you stop bothering me about it."

His eyes lit up and he smiled back, "Then lets go!"

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