The First Day

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"Let's start off our first day the right way, Pikachu!"

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu exclaimed.

"Ash! I told you, you can't take Pikachu to school with you!" Delia's voice came booming through Ash's bedroom door. With a bead of sweat on Ash and Pikachu's forehead, they both look down in disappointment.

*sigh* "I guess you're just gonna have to wait here then, buddy. At least, for now," Ash said in a broken tone. Pikachu hopped back into Ash's bed facing the wall and his back turned to Ash.


"Right. Then I'm off! I'll be sure to bring you back some treats!" Ash promised. Pikachu wagged his lighning bolt tail. He couldn't see it with his own eyes, but Pikachu held a slight smile of pride towards Ash as he made his way out into the world alone for the first time in forever. To Pikachu, Ash seemed a little taller, more mature.
He grabbed his backpack hanging off his door and bolted down the stairs. On the dining table was his brand new hat, and a blue ribbon underneath. Just after tying the ribbon on his left wrist, he took his hat and marched towards the door.
"Ash wait! I packed your lunch. I also bought you these nice running shoes, you don't want to show up on your first day in sandy slippers, now do you?" Delia was always being who Delia is, she always makes sure Ash is more than prepared to take on the world, even if he is just going to school.

"Thanks, Mom!" Ash said as he grabbed the brown paper bag and shoes, and as he laced up his sneakers, Delia watched with a beaming smile on her face.

"I'll see you later, bye Mom!" Ash says for the last time before running out of the door.

"Have a good first day, sweetie!"

Despite having heard his mother's embarrassing last words, he wasn't as sensitive as before, so on his way he went with a determined smile on his face. As he made his way running up the main road in the school's direction, Ash laid eyes on some of the different kinds of pokemon he's never seen before. From where he walked along the left side of the road was a breathtaking view of the long stretch of the sandy shore his house sat on. In the sand he could see dark pokemon with pink spikes on their back. At first, he just thought someone hadn't picked up after their arcanine, but having come across one of these small creatures resting on the sidewalk, he noticed that the pokemon was in fact of the same species he can see in the distant sand.

"Aww, poor're probably a water-type aren't you? Here we go," He told the pokemon as he picked it up. He walked down to the shore to place in the sand near all of the other pokemon just like this one, and back to the main road he ran. Just around the turn on the road, Ash could finally see the school he will be attending. Over his head flew a flock of wingull, a species of pokemon he was familiar with.

The door to his classroom was wide open. As he walked in, he encountered a small class of five students, all sitting at their own desks. In one chair sat a chubby boy tinkering with what seemed to be an electronic device, and in another chair was an intimidating firey looking shirtless boy. Of course, his appearance wasn't enough to affect Ash Ketchum in any way, having been in conflict with many different kinds of bad people across the regions, far more intimidating rivals in the past, and even death a couple of times, Ash isn't one to intimidate easily, neither is he one brag as he respects everyone he meets.
The three females in the class all looked friendly however, a girl who's short blue hair gives off the hint that she may specialize in water-type pokemon, a beautiful green-haired girl in overalls with sun-kissed skin, and a really pale, pleasant looking blonde girl in all white. Ash admired the blonde hair of the girl in white, and then looked down at the blue ribbon on his wrist, as if he had just remembered something.

And from behind Ash, a deep voice came echoing into the classroom, "All right class," the man's voice sounded close enough to Ash to make him turn around and streatch his right hand out.
"Professor!" Ash greeted with a nervous smile on his face. The professor was shirtless as well, the only thing covering his back was a white lab coat, he had a small patch of hair on his chin, wore a white hat, glasses, and grey knee-high joggers.

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