Enter: A Rude Awakening (part I)

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She opened her eyes and looked at the digital clock beside her bed.

10:25 AM

She then threw the covers back over her face and listened to the light raindrops hit her bedroom window. There was no sun, only grey clouds. The television set in her room was left on all night. Static altered the voice of the man on the weather channel.

'Heavy rain--south towards Alo-'
'Many---range Islan-destroyed--'
'Largest--on record-stay insi--"

A worried voice called up the stairs.

"Serena? Serena, honey, wake up quickly," the person that the voice belonged to made her way up to Serena's room. Grace shook her, "Wake up! Where did you say Ash went?"

"I don't care, mom." Serena replied.

"But, Serena!"

There was no response.

"Serena, I know you're still angry. But, if it's the Alola Region he flew off to, he might be in a lot of danger."

She waited again for an answer, but there was still no response.

"He's probably in the middle of it by now, but aren't you even a little worried for-"

"I DON'T CARE!" Serena shot up from under her blankets, she was now sitting upright with tears streaming from her eyes.

A tear formed in her mother's eye and a chill ran up her spine. She could feel her daughter's distress embrace her too, but she denied it. She wrapped her arms and held Serena tightly trying to comfort her.

"I...-I'm sorry, Serena."

Serena held her mother closer.

"That Ash is strong, he's not going down that easily." She reassured her daughter, but Serena already knew this. She's not always worried about him getting hurt, but she also knows he's not invincible. One moment she'll be fine, telling herself that Ash can protect himself, and then one moment she'll be imagining the worst. Ever since Ash left Kalos, the sun never shined as bright as it used to.

"Hey, come downstairs, I made you brunch." Grace invites her, "You've been sleeping in a lot longer lately, what time are you going to bed at night?"

Serena inhales deeply before answering, "I don't know, like, two in the morning." She said with no emotion in her tone.

*Sigh* "You're not going to get any taller like that." Her mother teased. Serena still showed no sign of caring. Grace left her room and walked back down the stairs.

Serena flopped backwards back onto her bed and stared at the ceiling for a moment, then forced herself to get up. She stood in the mirror and looked at herself. Her pink sleeping clothes look like they've gotten smaller and her hair was down looking a mess.

"Ash, I swear, if you get yourself hurt..." Serena mumbles to herself. She walks back to make her bed, she lifts her blankets up into the air letting it float back down before tidying up. She lifts her pillow and takes the hidden blue ribbon from under it.

The sound of the front door opens and then closes. It indicates that her mother is finally out of the house and off to the Ryhorn Ranch in Aquacord.

Serena picks up her backpack off the floor by her bed and pulls out her tablet. She opens her messaging app and types, "Can you come over?"

She throws her tablet on her bed and walks to the bathroom across the hallway from her room and closes the door. Her sleeping clothes drop one by one starting with his shorts, then her top, and then her underwear. She leaves the ribbon on the counter by the sink then steps into the shower.

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