Grass and Fire Closure

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"I don't think I've ever felt like this before!" Ash remained sitting at his desk although class was over. Everyone else walked home, leaving just the two of them in the classroom.

"To be honest, I used to think nothing of it! My friend, Brock, used to fall for every girl he laid eyes on, it was pretty sad to watch." He laughed.

"But, I wonder if this is what he felt all along. When I think about her, my day feels a whole lot brighter! Everything about her is absolutely flawless, and it would be nice to spend all my time with her.~

I might not be the most romantic guy in the world, but I'd love to take her out to a different fancy restaurant each day. Or, maybe take her to the skies above the clouds on Charizard watching the world turn under our feet. Or, maybe even something simple, like walking along the ocean shoreline at night. Then when the night's over, we think about what we could do the next day. Or what we could do next at that very moment. Is that weird?

It's funny, every night, the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep is her. Her gorgeous smile that sparkles like diamonds and her eyes that resemble sapphires. Not perfect sapphires though, but more like imperfect sapphires." Ash began to imagine the detail in her eyes.

"Her eyes are much more complex, more intricate than a perfect sapphire. A perfect sapphire will shine predictably, whereas an imperfect one will refelect light randomly and keep you you guessing.

And her hair used to be so long, wavy, and golden. You would've thought a single strand of her hair could sell for hundreds! And even when she cut her hair to her shoulders, she still looked amazing, it's like a completely new side to her that I found intriguing. She often wears a hat though, so I don't usually get to admire her honey-golden hair as much as I'd like, but when I do, I cherish it. So when she takes her hat off, I get to see almost every bit of perfection in her. I wonder if she's ever noticed anything about me? Maybe?

No, maybe not, she probably only sees me as a hyperactive kid like Iris says. But, I do wonder what's on her mind sometimes. Whether its about me or about her pokemon, I want to know much more about her.

To me, she's much more valuable than gems or gold, and the time I've spent with her in the past is priceless. Clemont and Bonnie were always there for me too which was nice, but there's something about Serena that makes me want to never leave her side. I can't wait until I get to spend more of my time with her again in the future.~"

Ash took a breather and then proceeded to ramble on and on about her for a few more minutes.

"She's that kind of girl that you'd be stupid to not take with you." He chuckled.
"And that's where I messed up."

"...yeah you are stupid." Kiawe replied. Ash laughed, but Kiawe kept a straight face.

"Oh! Why are you still here? Didn't you want to go home?" Ash asked curiously.

"Yeah, but you've been smiling ever since lunch earlier and it pissed me off. I was going to hit you in the jaw when everyone left." Kiawe admitted.

Ash felt a little more uncomfortable to be in the classroom alone with him with no witnesses nearby.

Kiawe continues, "But you just randomly started talking about whoever, Serena was it? I might not like you, but I'm not going to be rude and interrupt. Even if your face does look punchable."

Ash gave him a stern look, "Hey, you didn't have to stay here. I never asked you to."

Kiawe puffed through his nose. "I stayed 'cause I was actually interested in what you had to say about that girl."
Kiawe smirked, But it quickly vanished, "I'm not gonna lie to you. I know exactly how you feel."

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