Arrival at 9:00 PM

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The plane that Serena, Miette, and Shauna shared had touched ground for the first and last time during their flight. The sun had already set, but the crisp smell of salt water from outside the plane painted a vibrant picture in Shauna's mind.

"Attention Passengers, we have arrived in Alola. Doors to the bridge are now open. Thank you for flying with us!"

"Serena, Miette, wake up! We're here!" Shauna shook the two of them.

Miette was the first to wake, Serena following after. Both groggy, they seemed to forget that they were on an airplane. "Where are we?" Miette groans, rubbing her eye and pulling her phone out of her pocket. She checks the time.

9:00 PM

"Alola!~" Shauna sang.

Miette looks out through the window beside her and sees an airport not so much different than the one in Kalos. "Alola?" She wondered.

Serena yawned and stretched her arm up.

*Yawn~* "Huh? We're here already?" Her tiredness disappeared as she began to look much more excited to have finally arrived. "Miette, let's get going! Your cousin is probably waiting inside the terminal!~"

Once Serena reminded Miette of her cousin, something in her brain clicked and she jumped up out of her seat as if she was never sleepy. "Oh yeah! Let's go you two!"

Shauna and Serena laugh together at the sight of Miette eagerly gathering their items. Once everything was gathered, the three of them zipped through the airplane aisle, passed the bridged, and passed more security. Miette always walked in front of Serena and Shauna holding an eagerly excited facial expression the whole way through.


The three of them eventually make their way to the airport entrance on the ground floor where Miette's cousin stood tossing and catching her car keys. Her hair was short and black, she wore a cream colored shirt, green short-shorts, red running shoes, a brown over-the-shoulder bag, and a red beanie to top it all off.

"Moon!" Miette called, dropping her luggage and embracing her cousin. Moon dropped the keys as Miette basically tackled her.

"Miette! It's been so long, you've grown so much!~" She smiled. She looks up to see the two girls trailing behind her, "And you must be the famous Serena Yvonne I kept seeing on PokeVision?"

"Hi, Moon! Its so nice to finally to meet you!" Serena says.

"The pleasure's all mine!~ Miette, you never told me you were bringing Shauna too, why not?" Moon asked.

"Huh? You know who I am, Moon? Shauna looked at her confused.

"Of course! I've watched you compete in Pokemon Performances ever since your first day," Moon giggled as Miette pulled away from her. She picks up her keys off the floor and hands them to Miette. "I'm a big fan of both of you, but Miette here, I rooted for the most. She's much like a little sister to me. Although she couldn't take on Princess Aria in the finals like you, Serena, I'm still so proud of how far my little Miette come.~"

Miette blushes and looks at Moon's car keys in her hand. "You really know how to embarrass me, don't you." She laughed.

"Don't worry about it!" Moon ruffles Miettes hair, "Let's go, you're driving! You still remember where to go?"

Miette's eyes lit up. She never answered Moon's question. Instead, without hesitation, she ran out through the airport doors and to the driver's side of the faded red car parked along the curb.

"It looks like she still knows." Shauna chuckles.

"Yeah," Moon agrees, "When she was twelve years old, I used to let her drive me to places close by. By the age of thirteen, she could've already earned her license with the knowledge she had."

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