Why She Shines (part I)

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As Miette, Moon, Shauna, Serena, and her pokemon Braixen walk out of the hat shop, a swarm of excited people await them at the entrance. Lights began to flash and their names were being called from every direction.

"Better hold on to your new hat, Serena." Moon laughed. Serena pulls the brim of her light brown straw hat down by her cheeks blocking out some of the camera flashes. Although they all wore sunglasses, the constant bright flashes were overwhelming. To keep everyone at a reasonable distance, Braixen displayed a hostile attitude and waved her burning wooden stick around threatening to scorch anyone who gets too close.

One unlucky man with a camera came a little too close to the group as they walked to the center of the town, and Braixen set the ground at his feet on fire. Luckily, that was only a warning.

As they walked, Miette held her stomach, it was clear to anyone that she was starving. Moon pulled Miette and Shauna in close to whisper something in their ears. "Hey, I have an idea..."

Serena watched the three of them talk and exchange ideas. Moments later, Moon then came to Serena and whispered in her ear. "When the time is right, come with me to the Unova-Subs up the road."

"Huh? How are we going to get passed all these people?" Serena asked. Miette looked at Serena and winked through her sunglasses.

"Just make sure to keep your shades on for this, we're going to have lunch in peace!~" Moon chuckled. She pulls a small pokeball out from her pocket and enlarges it in her palm.

Moon tosses the pokeball high above her head. "Raichu, come out and use Flash!"

Two flashes of different white lights illuminated the currently sun-lit crowd, the first flash sparkled and dazzled as it took on the shape of a Raichu standing on its tail and floating in the air. The second flash that followed up after the first was much brighter, with it came a loud pokemon cry.


While the crowd shielded their eyes, Moon and Serena slipped in between the surrounding people undetected. Miette, Shauna, and Braixen escape the crowd headed in the opposite direction of where Moon took Serena. Once they managed to successfully withdraw from the group of blinded people, Miette led the way around the corner of a residential building and up a quiet and calm road.

"So, Moon and Serena are going to have lunch at Unova-Subs, what are we going to do?" Shauna asked.

"I still have some money leftover, we can eat out too. If I remember correctly, there should be small town up ahead with this really cool coffee shop! I looked it up online, it's called LycanRock, and if that's not your style, there's a Kalos Pizza next door in case you feel a little homesick.~" Miette beamed with excitement.

"Sound's like a plan!" Shauna giggled.

Soon after, the three of them were caught up by Moon's Raichu, and they all finally walked together in peace to the next town up the street.

Baffled, Shauna watched the Raichu as it stood upon it's tail in the air as if it were surfing. The pointy edges in the ears and tail were much more rounded than a regular raichu's, and it's eyes were completely different also. Instead of retaining the same black beady eyes as a pichu or pikachu, this one had an alternating blue and yellow tint to them depending on the angle in which you looked at them from.

"So, this is Moon's Raichu?" Shauna asked Miette. "It looks a lot different than the one my friend Tierno has."

"Yes he is!" Miette smiled and hugged the air surfing pokemon. "This is the same Raichu that I used to play with as a kid when I came to Alola to visit! He was just a Pikachu back then, but it's because of him that I'm still alive today, dontcha' know?" Miette points out a long scar on the top of its head next to its left ear.

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