Packing Up (part I)

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One week after the storm passed, Miette was supposed to be helping Serena pack for their vacation, so she spent the night at Serena's place. She wakes up on the couch just as Grace, Serena's mother, leaves for Aquacord.
As the door closes, Miette checks her phone.
There was a message from Serena. Miette was confused why she didn't just come downstairs to say whatever it was she needed to say. When Miette opened the message, the once peaceful morning took a turn for the worst.


"SERENA!!" Miette screamed at the top of her lungs, she banged on her bedroom door with the intention to break it down. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!?"

From inside the bedroom, Serena sat on the floor by her bed laughing her head off. Braixen was also in the room on her trainer's bed holding her mouth to keep from laughing.

Miette's voice called from the other side again, "SERENA OPEN THE DOOR!!"
As she continued to bang on the door, she busted the the doorknob's dead bolt and she flew into the room landing on her hands and knees. "SERENA!" She cried as she stood up, she grabbed the pillow on her bed and began to attack Serena with it. After a few seconds of chasing her around the room, she ended up capturing her, now Miette sat on top of Serena holding the pillow above her head. She unleashed a vicious fluffy fury attack on her best friend.

"What!? What!?!~" Serena continued to laugh, a tear formed in her eye as she grew exhausted from the excessive laughter and enduring Miette's barrage of pillow attacks.

"Miette wait!!~" Serena pleaded as she blocked her face. Her laughter proved to be contagious as Braixen had trouble holding in her laugh.

Miette throws the pillow back onto the bed, the pillow which hits Braixen in the face first. Braixen loses control of her laughter, she collapses face first onto the pillow that hit her.

While Serena lays on her back laughing away, Miette pulls her phone out of her pocket. She opens up the message from this morning and shows it to her.

In the message was a photoshopped picture of Miette sleeping next to Clemont in his underwear.

Serena looks at the picture and laughs even harder. "You two look so cute together!~"

"Fuck that! Why do you even have a picture of him in his underwear??" Miette asks, but then she stops for a moment to think.

"Yup! I sent her the picture too and she made it her wallpaper!" Serena laughed.


"Don't hate me!!!~" Serena cried. Before she knew it, it was already too late. Miette began to tickle her armpits, the one place she couldn't take it.
"MIETTE STOP!!" She pleaded once more, but Miette didn't stop. She was determined to tickle her until they both run out of breath.

Braixen finally managed to calm down, so she sat on the bed smiling and watched as Serena laid hopelessly on the floor getting tickled.

The two girls settled down as time went on. Serena, who was completely out of breath, looked up at Braixen and smiled. Miette rolled off of Serena and also laid on her back beside her.

"I'm gonna take a picture of you when you sleep too." Miette says.

"Oo-ooh I'm so-o scared~," Serena teased.

"But I'm going to edit it so that you're sleeping beside Ash."

"...Is that supposed to be a threat?" Serena asked

Miette looks at her and smiles, "Nope! I think it's in all of our best interest that you end up with Ash at night!" She giggled,
"Isn't that right, Serena?"

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