Why She Shines (part II)

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Miette looked to the floor for a moment before looking away. The first sight of real blood made her gag and the sight of an unconscious Pikachu was already far too much to handle. She turned her head to Moon talking on the phone, her hands and her voice were shaking.

"P-please, we n-need help right away-y, he's...he's-..." Moon stuttered.

Miette's limited view of Moon's face served no role in trying to figure out if she started crying again, it was obvious in her tone and body language. Moon's shoulders were tense and her head hung. She set the phone back onto the receiver and placed her hands over her face.

"...pika," Pikachu murmured. Moon had heard this, she deeply inhaled and speed walked into the hallway into her room.

There was a loud knock on the door. Without glancing over at the pokemon, Miette ran to the door and opened it. In came a group of medics with a stretcher, they made their way to the pikachu on the ground, it's yellow fur stained red. They placed Pikachu and the stretcher and rushed back outside into the ambulance.

Waiting outside the doorway was Nurse Joy. "We will do everything we can to bring him back to you safely." She reassured Miette.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy." Miette's voice shook too. Hearing the sound of her own voice under the same stress that Moon's voice was, Miette began to realize that she was afraid.

Nurse Joy walked away and Miette closed the door. She took a moment to calm down, breathing in as much as she could and slowly letting all the air out of her lungs. Miette shrugged of the feeling of fear, and slowly walked into the hallway until she reached Moon's bedroom door.

*Knock* *Knock*
There was no response.

Miette proceeded to enter the room, inside was Moon laying on her bed, her back turned to the door. Miette walked to the bed and sat at the other side of her.

The only sounds they could hear were the ocean's waters washing over the shore from under the house.

It wasn't until Miette opened her mouth to break the long drawn-out silence, but Moon's own voice ended up cutting her off before she can say anything.

"I don't think I can handle being alone."

Miette didn't respond.

"But, I also can't risk hurting anyone again. I know you wont forgive me, so if you want to leave now, it'll be good for the both of us."

Miette still didn't respond, she didnt know what to say.

"Or, maybe I'm the one who should be leaving. You can stay here."

"You're not going anywhere." Miette finally spoke. "What you've tried to do to me, what you've done to your Pikachu, that's all unforgivable."

Moon stopped talking and listened to Miette closely.

"But, if I don't forgive you, we can't move forward. Of course I'll forgive you, but I'm not the one who's forgiveness you should be begging for." Miette's voice shook. "Pikachu's cut was deep."

"You're foolish." Moon muttered. "I understand now that you and I both lost someone important. But, to forgive and stand by someone who's only causing you more pain, after saying all those terrible things, you give a whole new meaning to 'Dancing with the Devil.'"

"Maybe." Miette quietly said.


"She does have a point, you know?" Shauna said sipping a pumpkin spice latte with Braixen and Raichu. "If someone did all that to me, I most certainly wouldn't forgive them."

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