Mallow's Apology

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The rain violently hit the school and everything else on the island. The door sounded like it was about to break from all the pounding from the outside.
Ash reached his hand out to the classroom door. From Mallow's point of view, he seemed to move in slow motion. The two pokemon also stopped eating to watch Ash, and before feeling any sort of fear, Lillie waited to see what was behind the door as she was the most curious out of all of them.

When Ash opened it, the loud banging stopped and there was a dark figure in a trench coat on the other side being pelted by the raindrops. The figure looked up and showed it's eerie blue eyes and asked, "Professor?"

Goosebumps formed on Ash, Mallow, and their pokemon.

"...Lana? Is that you?" Lillie called out to the figure.

"Yeah, can I come inside now?" She asked.

"Oh! Sorry, Lana," Ash chuckled.

Ash let the girl in the trench coat inside. A large and powerful wind made impact with Ash as he tried to closed the door again, it felt like the wind wanted to keep it open, but Ash denied and successfully locked up the wooden door. Lana then took off her brown trench coat and hung it on the back of the professor's chair.

"Is Professor Kukui not here?" Lana asked the group, "I got the email from him, so I thought he'd be here too."

"Nope, just us!" Ash answered walking to his assigned desk, "Pikachu, say hi!"

"Pika-a!" Pikachu waved as he and Bounsweet resumed eating.

"Oh? Nice to meet you!" Lana replies. She then sits on the floor with the other two girls. "Nice hat, Mallow," she teased.

"Oh shut up," Mallow giggled as she took off the hat.

Lillie noticed Lana's hair dripping from the rain, "Lana you're soaked, aren't you cold?"

"Nope! I'm used to it, being a water-type trainer, this rain is nothing to me," Lana answers with a laugh, "I get wet every day, you know?" Lana paused for a moment, she then found herself regretting her choice of words, her laugh disappeared and left a bright pink blush on her cheeks.

"..." Mallow also felt her last sentence was questionable, her cheeks went pink too but not as bright as Lana's.

Lillie giggled and teased her, "Every day, huh?~"

"You know what I mean!" Lana retaliated. Her eyes looked over to Ash who seemed to not know what they were talking about.

A burst of lightning lit the classroom for a moment, and thunder rolled over them moments after.

Mallow curiously turns to Ash also, she wanted to see what his reaction was like, but all he had was a smile on his face as he listened.

'Does he even know what we're talking about?' She thought.

"Hey Ash," she calls, "You've had a girlfriend before, haven't you?"

"Huh? A girlfriend..?" He wonders to himself, "I've had a couple old friends that traveled with me in the past before that were girls." Ash was familiar with what a girlfriend was, but he had no clue what the exact concept was.

"But I mean, like a girlfriend, one you spend most of your time with instead of any other girl?" Mallow adds.

All ash could think about was his female companions from past regions.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Ash asks. Lille and Lana look at Mallow with a devious smile.

*Blush* "Uhh, no, not really," she answers nervously.

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