No Return

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"Who are you?" Mallow asked.

"Hi, I'm Shauna! Is Serena in here?"

Mallow turned around to look at Serena. "Serena? Do you know a Shauna?"

"Oh! Yeah, she's my friend!"

"Got it!" Mallow said. "Come in! We're having Slowpoke Tail Soup!"

"Thank you!" Shauna smiled as she walked into the classroom. The first thing she noticed was Serena stirring the pot on the burner, then she looked over at one of the desks where a girl in blue sat next to Miette gazing at the older shirtless man at the front of the room. Shauna waved at the girl with blue hair next to Miette, Lana then waved back with a smile.

"Hey, Mallow?" Serena called to her. "About the soup, there doesn't seem to be any slowpoke tails around..."

"No slowpoke tails!?" Mallow gasped. She looked at the professor, "Professor Kukui?"

"What is it?" He asked.

"Do you have a car to take me to Slowpoke Shore?"

"What!? Right now?" Professor Kukui said. "That's on the other side of the whole island! And besides, I never bring my truck, I always walk to school."

"Awh, shoot." Mallow sighed.

"Maybe Miette can take you!" Serena giggled.

Miette instantly snapped back to reality, "Wait, what?"

"You can drive Mallow where she needs to go, right?" Serena's smile beamed making it harder for Miette to refuse.

"But, the car is almost out of gas," she said.

"Miette, there was a full tank this morning." Serena countered.

"But-but, I..." Miette tried to think of another excuse, "...Oh fine. Let's go Malie." She said feeling defeated.

"It's Mallow." Mallow puffed.

"Yeah, yeah, you're coming with me too Shauna." Miette got up from the desk and walked toward the the door. On her way, she grabbed Shauna by the wrist.

"Hey wait! I just got here!" Shauna tried to struggle, but ended up being dragged out of the clasrrom anyway.

Mallow followed after Miette and Shauna, then turned around. "Do you wanna come too Lana?"

"Actually, I would love to go fishing by the shore while you're picking tails!" Lana replied.

"So is there just no more class today?" Professor Kukui asked slightly disappointed.

"If you want to professor, you can come and teach us about how to remove the slowpoke tails without harming the pokemon," Mallow laughed.

"Well then, I guess that'll be the lesson for today," Kukui gave in. "You girls are lucky you're getting extra credit."

"Thank you professor!" Mallow said. "Will you be alright watching the pot, Serena?"

"No worries!" Serena smiled. "I'll even prepare some Kalos food for when you all get back!" She pulled the blue ribbon out of her hair and retied it back into a ponytail tighter than before.

"Sounds great! See you in a bit!" Mallow waved to her as she and everyone else left the classroom. Professor Kukui was the last to leave as he closed the door.

Serena was the only one left in the room. After hearing the sound of Miette driving off with everyone, nothing else but the sound of soup bubbling over the burner was relaxing for her to listen to. The aroma of the soup, however, was salty and bitter. In some ways, it reminded her of herself in the past while training to ride rhyhorn.
"This really is in need of sweet slowpoke tail..." She muttered to herself.

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