The Wager

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As a new day begins, the old rain continues. Yesterday, the professor walked into the classroom to find four of his students eating pancakes and soup. Although the rain remains, the storm from before brushed by some of the other islands of Alola and soon diminished. Sadly, many homes and other buildings in the Orange Islands were destroyed. Luckily, there are currently no reported deaths or injuries.


"Welcome back, class!" Professor Kukui greets his studens, everyone except for Ash and Kiawe seems to be in a good mood.

"Kiawe? Sophocles? I came to this classroom yesterday and you two were the only ones that weren't here. Didn't you want the extra credit?" The professor asks.

"Would I really have needed it?" Sophocles asks. He knew that extra credit is pointless as long as he does all of his work quickly and perfectly, which he is more than capable of doing. The professor knew this about him too. With confidence, Sophocles remained seated, elbows on his desk and hands folded in front of his mouth.

"All right then, how about this." Kukui walks over to where his student sat. Sophocles looks up at his teacher.

"If you fail one assignment, any assignment, you are automatically dropped from the class." Professor Kukui smiles at his student.

Within the first five minutes of class, the other students were left in shock, even Kiawe. Lana was disgusted at the fact that the professor would even go that far. They all wait for a reply from their fellow classmate. Instead of praising the fact that Sophocles was naturally a genius, they began to doubt that he'll walk with them at graduation.

Sophocles smiles. "We can make this a little more interesting don't you think, Professor?" His smile gave Kukui goosebumps but he still held his own smile. "If I make it through this whole year without missing even one question..."

The professor's stomach turned and the class began to have a synchronized panic attack at the first half of Sophocles's proposal.

"You'll put on a shirt." Sophocles's smile turned evil and Professor Kukui's smile vanished.

"If I can't do it, then you will drop me from the class on the spot." Sophocles adds.

Everyone was in shock, if they were pokemon, they'd all be paralyzed. No one in the class liked this unnecessary idea. Everyone except Mallow questioned why Sophocles would wager something so insignificant at such a high risk. Mallow wondered the same thing as everyone else, but knowing what Sophocles was capable of, she was honestly more worried about Kukui covering his body.

The professor wanted to bargain with him, "Sophocles-"

"If I lose, I'll also throw a shirt on Kiawe." Sophocles interrupts.

"Leave me out of this!!" Kiawe retaliated.

Professor Kukui laughs as he began to realize that he's never seen Kiawe wear a shirt either.

"All right then! I don't own any shirts so, uh..." Kukui looks over to Kiawe and thinks to himself.

'Well, he doesn't own any shirts either...'

He looks back to Sophocles, 'His shirt might be a little too big for me...'

He finally looks over to Ash, 'Maybe he can lend me his. If it's small, it'll be skin tight, then it won't feel like I'm wearing a shirt at all!"

Kukui grins, "Ash! When the time comes, lend me your shirt to wear!"

Ash agrees, "Uhh, yes sir." Although he didn't want to become shirtless for a day again, he did want to see his teacher wearing a shirt. It's easy enough to imagine how he'd look, but something about their wager was intriguing.

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