Light and Silence (part I)

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Monday early morning

Serena, Miette, Shauna, and Braixen peacefully slept in Moon's guestroom beds. Miette and Shauna shared one once again, and Braixen spent the night comfortably next to Serena in their own.

Moon opens the door slowly and peers into the room to find them all still asleep, then quietly shuts the door again.

Moon stood in the dark hallway, behind her was her Raichu standing on its levitating tail like a surfboard. They both shared a giggle, "It's about time for breakfast, don't you think?" She whispered.

"Rai-ii!" Raichu replied quietly.

Moon lead the way for Raichu, they both made their way into the kitchen to prepare a miniature morning feast. The sound of their work pace could almost be mistaken for the sound of industrial work. The scent of sweet pastries and savory meats and vegetables wafted it's way through the hallway and under the cracks of the guest room door.

Miette tumbled and turned in the bed, she swung her arm and hit Shauna in the face, then subconsciously embraced her like a warm stuffed pokemon plush.

Shauna was rudely awaken by Miette's actions. First, her nose felt sore due to the weight of Miette's arm when she hit her, then she found herself uncomfortably trapped in her embrace. "-Hey! Miette, let me go!" She said half yelling, half whispering. Miette couldn't hear her, but because of Shauna's constant movement, she groaned in annoyance. Shauna, however, wasn't going to stop so soon, "How the hell are you so strong!? Wake up!!"
The more she tried to struggle out, the tighter Miette subconsciously held onto her, and the further up the blankets rode up over their faces trapping in the body heat. Shauna's face and body temperature began to rise having Miette to deal with, and also as the hot alolan sunlight filled the room.

Serena's eyes slowly open gracefully as her nose picks up a variety of delicious aromas coming from behind the bedroom door. She smiled for the first time today, stretching her arms into the air and yawning like a Princess from a movie. Her movements doesn't seem to bother Braixen as she continued to sleep soundly. From the next bed, Serena could hear a large amount of rustling under the bed covers and the occasional squeak of the bed springs.

"Miette!!" Shauna cried.

Serena turned her head wondering what all of the commotion was about, but all she could see was questionably obscure movements under the bedsheets.

"Uu-ughh-" Miette groaned.

'...I probably shouldn't be here, should I?' Serena thought.

Finally, Shauna managed to break free from Miette's embrace, she emerged from the covers with her face above Miette's as she was still asleep, her hair was a mess, and a noticeable amount of sweat was on her forehead. Her's and Miette's faces were both tinted a hot pink color from the heat trapped under the covers. Shauna's heavy breathing was the result of the struggle she's undergone to get free.

Serena looked at Shauna. Her heavy breathing, messy hair, sweat, and blush not only could've been misinterpreted, Serena quickly jumped to conclusion that Shauna had a thing for her sleeping friend.

Shauna looked over to Serena who seemed to be nervously watching the whole situation. She smiled as she whipped away the sweat from her forehead, "I finally got out~..." Shauna laughed.

"...out of where!?" Serena looked at the blush on Miette's sleeping face too, "-Nevermind! I'm sorry! I'll be having breakfast!!!" Serena stumbled out of bed as if she was the one who should be embarrassed.

"Serena wait! What's gotten into-"

"I'm so sorry!!!" Serena cried as she exited the room and shut the door.

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