Light and Silence (part II)

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(Quick note: Turns out, the chapter Echoes and Shadows was overwritten somehow by a passage from my new story From Sun to Moon, and I have lost almost all motivation to keep writing lol. I can't seem to find the lost chapter in the revision history, so I think that chapter has been completely destroyed by Wattpad lol -.-

I might just insert a detailed summary of the chapter soon, but if you've read the leaked [Coming Soon] chapter, I hope it ties you in enough want to keep reading From Sun to Moon. On to part II!)


On the living room couch waiting for Moon, Miette, and Braixen to get back from the grocery store, Serena and Shauna chatted alone. Raichu went outside for a bit of actual surfing using his tail as a surfboard.

"What do you mean, 'meet up with some people'?" Serena asked Shauna.

"Yesterday, these boys asked if Miette and I could meet up with them somewhere today! At!" Shauna said uncomfortably. "And it would be really awkward to be alone with a boy, you know?"

"Well, isn't that why you have Miette wuth you?"

'Dammit, I've already forgotten about her...' Shauna thought.
"...Yeah, but... Like, what if we got split up or something??"

"Why not just take Miette on a date instead?" Serena chuckled.


"Okay, okay!" Serena laughed, "You can't blame me for thinking that after what I saw this morning.~"

"You just have a dirty mind," Shauna countered. "Stick to your Ash fantasies." She laughed.

"Whateverr!~" Serena sang.

"You're coming with us later!" Shauna finally demanded.

"Fine! But, if it's a restaurant, you're treating me too!"


In the classroom, Kiawe and Lillie chatted while Professor Kukui was lecturing the class. "Really!? Today?" Lillie whispered.

"Yeah, but it's meaningless since Ash is still gone. At the very least, they'll know where the school just is in case Ash does show up." Kiawe said.

"Oh, that Ash..." Lillie palmed her forehead. "I'm going to find him and drag his ass back, you can count on that."

Mallow looked over to Ash's empty seat and wondered where he was. She then turns her head at the clock above the classroom door and watches the minute hand finally reach the twelve. She kept her elbow on her desk as she raised her hand unenthusiasticly. "Professor, it's lunchtime." She sighed.

"Hm?" Professor Kukui paused and looked at the clock. "Oh, right! Well that's it class, lunchtime it is! Remember, no more than one hour."

The class eagerly got up to walk out of the classroom while Mallow stayed behind. Lillie in particular seemed to have stomped out of the class angrily.
(As was explained in the lost chapter, Lillie set out to find Ash laying down along a shore somewhere on the island. She was determined to finally take him back to class after skipping so many school days.)

The professor also left the classroom to stretch his legs. As soon as she saw everyone leave, she traced the natural dark lines on the face of her wooden desk with her finger.

A voice came from behind her. "He's skipping again."

"Ahh!-What!?" Mallow jumped in her seat and turned around to see Kiawe laid back behind his own desk. "Oh, it's you. I thought you left for lunch, what are you still doing here?" She asked.

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