A Rude Awakening (part II)

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"Naruto, you're going to hit the ceiling you idiot!"

"Like I'd let it stop there!"

"AWHHH!" Miette's heart melts, this is only one of the few soft sides to her that she hides behind a tough girl facade. Serena still doesn't understand what it means to 'ship' characters, but seeing them get together was adorable and it made her happy that the two characters ended up together happily. The movie was a whole roller-coaster ride of emotions, you'd feel happy, sad, shocked, depressed, worried, excited, and more. Serena really liked the movie.

"BRAIX-BRAIXEN!~" Braixen's eyes were teary, her content face expression had the same exact passion as Miette's, it was clear to see that she seemed to enjoy the movie as much as she did.

"You two are something else." Serena laughed.

"Serena! You and Ash have to get together! Just like they did in the movie!" Miette exclaimed.

Miette's current excitement was something to behold, she's been friends with her for so long, but it seems like she was a brand new person.

"It would be nice," Serena mutters. "But you know Ash is...kind of dense."

"Kind of? He was even oblivious to me when I was flirting with him," Miette laughs, "But, if time will tell, you're surely reach him sooner or later! How long have you known him?"

"Almost a year already. I did meet him once back then, but that was wa-ay before he came to Kalos." Serena replied.

Miette's curiosity grew. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, when I was eight, my mom forced me to go to a summer camp in Kanto."

"You've met Ash all the way back in Kanto? Why did you have to go all the way there?" Miette asked.

Serena laughed nervously. "I used to be ki-ind of a bad kid when I was little." She chuckled. She smiled and continued, "Ever since my dad walked out, it was hard for me or my mom to smile again." She sighed and inhaled deeply.

"One time from my room, I heard two people laughing downstairs. I peeked behind my door and saw that my mom had a friend over, he was a tall man. I can't explain why, but I hated him so much. So I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbed a glass cup, and threw it at his head. But, before it hit him, he dodged it and the glass shattered on this wall." Serena points to the wall left of where they sat.
"I look at him straight into his eyes, in a calm tone I told him, 'Get out.'
I don't remember much after that, but I know he left because of me. I remember seeing my mom broken down on the floor by the wall. She was picking up the shards of the glass cup I threw. That's when I realized what I've done. I knew an apology wasn't enough to heal the scars on her hands, so I didn't resist when she wanted to send me away to her sister's for a week."

Chills ran up their backs, Miette didn't know what to say at this point. She and Braixen continued to listen to her, her voice was calm and slightly shaky. The smile on Serena's face wasn't happiness, it was regret that she still felt today.

Serena continued to smile with regret. "She made me stay with my Aunt Gloria in Kanto. On the first day she said that my mom had already enrolled me at Professor Oak's Summer Camp. Although I really didn't want to go, I gritted my teeth and went."

"So that's when you saw Ash?" Miette asked.

"Yeah, but of course not right away." Serena takes a moment to remember once more.

"I do remember seeing Ash, but it's not like he stood out among the other kids. In fact, in the mess hall after we grabbed our lunches, I sat at the end of a long table. Ash was sitting at the same table, but he was surrounded other kids, all he talked about was pokemon. All he ever mentioned were pokemon. Not once have I heard anything other than pokemon come out if his mouth,"

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