Chapter Four- Heaven's Calling

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Danny ended up falling asleep shortly after my nose was broken, while the rest of us stayed awake. There was no way we could fall asleep at this point. We were bloody terrified. The only ones that were greatly affected were Oliver and I. Especially me. That’s why Andy was afraid to fall asleep or even snap at Robert. Danny acted like he didn’t care about the situation. As long as he got some sleep, he’d be somewhat better.

Yeah, right.

Oliver’s arms stayed tight around me, heat radiating off of him, giving me a sense of being safe. Andy continued to caress my hair and play around with it, making twirls of it around his finger. It was comforting, even though the pain in my nose continued to bug me half to death. If this wasn’t taken care of soon, it would probably become infected.

“I need to talk to Robert . . .” I whimpered to Andy and Oliver. “I don’t want this to become infected.” A tear rolled down my cheek.

“Want me to go find him?” Andy offered.

My eyes met his. “No . . . Don’t . . . He might get mad and do something to harm you, and I don’t want anything to happen to you, Andy.”

“Don’t worry about me . . .” He whispered. “I want you to get better. If he gets pissed and tries to hit me or something, I’ll be extra careful and just hit him back. Kill the bastard.” Andy assured me. He kisses me lightly on the cheek and gets up from the bed and leaves the bedroom.

Silence took over. I could hear Oliver’s heart pounding rapidly in his chest. “I’m scared.” I whispered.

“I know, Jane. . . .”

It feels like hours have passed, but it’s only been minutes. Next thing Oli and I knew, we heard a conversation on the other side, barely audible. I nearly jumped out of my skin when we both heard something break, along with a shout. My eyes met Oliver’s with deep concern. I couldn’t tell if it was Andy’s or Robert’s voice.

“Stay the hell in that room, you son of a bitch!” Another crash and a light smacking sound. I whimpered and buried my head deeper into Oliver’s chest.

“You broke her nose you bastard! Give her something to keep it from getting infected and I will stay in that room!”

“Fine, you pain in the ass!”

All things went quiet, except for the heavy steps coming toward the bedroom. The door was shoved open fiercely, Andy appearing in the doorway. He looked terrifyingly angry. Andy slammed the door behind him and sat down back in the spot he sat in before.

“I swear that man has real bad anger issues. I just simply ask him to get you something to help your nose, but he has to go off on me for no reason!” He bit his lip.

“Well, at least he’s doing something about it,” Oliver mentions.

“True,” Andy sighs loudly and lies back on the bed.

“The hell . . . ?” Danny mumbled. “What’s goin’ on here?” He sat up slowly, unaware of his surroundings.

“I asked Robert if he could get something to help Jane’s nose, but he went off on me for no reason.” Andy answered in an irritated voice.

“Ah,” Danny sighed, “So is he doing something about it?”


Speaking of the devil, Robert came with a bottle of peroxide and some toilet paper. “All I gots. Deal.” He threw the stuff at Andy and I, as he quickly left the room as soon as he had came in.

“Well.” I said, sighing, taking the roll of toilet paper in my hand. “The guy’s poor too. Can’t get any decent cotton balls or somethin’.”

Andy just shrugs, sitting up from the bed, “Come here,” He takes a hold of my hand and pulls me into his lap like a little child, supporting my neck with his arm. The thought of being considered a child annoyed me, but right now, it didn’t matter. He took the toilet paper from the hand and tore off a large piece as he rolled it into a big ball, soon dipping the peroxide onto it.

Andy held the piece over my face. I closed my eyes, shielding myself from possibly getting the peroxide in my eye. That would hurt like hell. A wet, but somewhat soothing feelingcame upon my nose as he applied the peroxide. It stung for barely a second, with relief coming soon after. After Andy thoroughly cleaned off the blood, he threw the used toilet paper in a wastebasket near the bed.

I was finally able to open my eyes. First thing I noticed was that Andy had paused, and was searching around the room.

“What are you looking for?” I ask curiously.

“A band-aid or something. Idiot forgot to get something to cover your nose up. . .” He scowled.

“Oh. Well, it’ll be alright for now. Don’t want to piss Robert off again so soon. Maybe next time he decides to come in here, like he said he would.”

Andy sighed in defeat. “Yeah, I guess.” His arms pull me in closer, comforting me, not wanting to let me go.

Oliver stares.

“Oh Oli, you can deal without feeling Jane’s body near your crotch area for a while,” Andy laughs softly, smirking. Danny joins along with Andy. I couldn’t help but giggle a little myself.

I look over at Oli, a scowl on his face. What I also noticed, was his face was turning red. Was he blushing?

“Shut up. I’m not in the mood to joke around, you guys.” He lies down on the bed, grabbing a pillow and making himself comfortable. Oliver’s eyes shut. “I’m going to sleep. Hopefully by morning, we can find a way to get the heck outta this dump. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” I whisper, burying my head into Andy’s chest. He rubs my back, chills rolling up and down my spine. I was nowhere near tired. I had already slept for at least an hour or two tonight, and that was good enough for me.

I was deep in thought, thinking of any possible ideas to get out of here, to somehow escape, when an echoing beep rang in our ears. It sounded close.

“What was that?” Danny speaks up. I didn’t think he was still awake.

I lift my head up, my eyes searching the room.

There was another beep. The heck?

It sounded like it was coming from over by Oliver. Andy nudges his leg gently. “Oli. Oli, do you know where that beep is coming from?”

Oliver groans. “I don’t --,” He pauses, voice cracking, “Wait.” His hands fumble through his pockets, soon taking his phone out. Oliver’s eyes stare in amazement. “Holy crap, I have signal!”

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