Chapter Twelve- Alot To Give That Leaves You Breathless

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Dear my loving daughter Jane,

If you are reading this, I am no longer living. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. You are the best daughter I could ever have. Knowing you, you’re probably thinking, ‘Oh, I’m your only daughter, so how could you know?’. Well Jane, I thought I’d tell you this. You and Lee have a sister, whom is a couple years younger than you. I gave birth to her on June 15th, just a couple months after your second birthday. Your father and I were already incapable of taking care of a third child due to our financial issues, so we gave her up for adoption. I’m sorry we never told you until now. But if you would like to find her, her name is Kathryn Lights and she is living in the United States in the state of Maryland. Ask your father to tell you more.

I’m sorry I never told you before. I really am.

But I love you, Cassie Jane Malia and always will. I am also sorry for leaving you this way. I could not help my depression, and I know you and your brother tried to help, but I just lost all hope.

Live a good life and don’t turn out like me. Make good choices. Even though I never got to be a grandmother, your father will be happy as ever when you decide to settle down and have a family.

Just between us, I think Oliver is a great boy, even though it seemed like he barely acknowledged you. But trust me on this one. You two would be great together. Now, if you find someone else, that’s fine with me. Just as long as you’re happy.

Also, I hope that you fulfill your dream of being a rock singer. I know, I know. That was more of a childhood dream, but you have a beautiful voice. You should really show off that voice to Oliver and the rest of his band, for only me, your father and Lee have heard your angelic voice. Maybe the band will let you join in a couple songs or two.

Goodbye, Jane. Live well.


Your Mum.

After I finished reading, I noticed my eyes were puffy and wet from minutes of crying to myself. I looked up at the guys and noticed they were starting to cry from reading their letters, most likely from Mum.


Dear Oliver,

You are such a good guy with an amazing voice and wonderful ambitions. Granted, you are a drinker, but besides that, you are just like my second son. I wish we could’ve talked more before I died, but the major depression I had, caused me to hardly have any contact with any of my family and friends.

You have always been there for me since Lee brought you home to meet me and my husband. We were able to talk about things I could never talk to with my own son.

Speaking of Lee, you know her sister Jane, of course. She is a great, beautiful young lady with great ambitions, just like you and Lee. I doubt you know this, but she has an amazing voice and has always wanted to be a singer. Now, you should try and get her to sing sometime. Maybe even sing a couple parts in you band’s songs. Trust me on this, Oli. Also, whenever you decide to settle down, I think it should be with Jane. Now, you don’t have to listen to me. Feelings take their own path. But I could definitely see you married and having children with her. Ever since I met you, even though you hardly talked to her in the first place, I could see some kind of connection between you two. Just saying. Every boyfriend Jane has had since she was 15, well, I just didn’t see any connection whatsoever.

Well, Oliver Scott Sykes, live your life to the fullest and don’t make any mistakes you know will impact you in the future. I believe in you.


Your second Mum.


Dear my loving son Lee,

I love you. You have such great ambitions to be a guitar player. When you played your first chords, I knew this would be your life. I also wanted to say, I’m sorry for letting you down. I was too weak. Ever since your grandfather died, I became such a wreck. I know you and your sister tried to bring me up, but I just couldn’t.

I’m sorry.

Also, Lee, you can ask your sister more about this, for I wrote more in Jane’s letter about this, but you have another younger sister. About four years younger than you. She was born on June 15th. Her name is Kathryn Lights and she is living in the United States with her adoptive parents. Your father and I could not financially take care of her, so we gave her up for adoption.

If you want, you and your sister can go find her. She lives in Maryland. You can get more information from your father, if needed.

Dream big, Lee. I’ll always love you. Make the right choices, and don’t go down the path I did.


Your Mum.


The three of us managed to start bawling our eyes out as we all finished our letters. Father came over to us and wrapped his arms around us, giving us comfort. After staying in an embrace for what seemed like hours, Dad pulled away and gave us some air. I looked up at Oliver. After reading that letter, I felt a little more differently about him. In a good way, of course.

I didn’t care if Dad saw, but I leaned up as Oli moved down. Our lips met with such love. We wrapped our arms around each other, our lips moving together in such a way that was breathtaking. Never did I think that I would come to love Oliver. A crush was the farthest I think this relationship would ever go. But I was wrong.

When we pulled away, my father and Lee clapped. I giggled quietly, becoming a tad bit embarrassed.

“So are you two going to date or what? I’m tired of waiting.” Lee says, chuckling but with a stuffy nose, causing his voice to sound off.

Oliver’s eyes and mine met. I was about to say yes, until Andy came into my head. Darn it.

“I dunno yet, Lee. Calm yourself,” Oliver answered, laughing a little. The next thing was directed to me, “So, Jane. You should sing something at the funeral tomorrow.” He smirks.

Thanks, Mum. . .

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