Chapter Twenty-Eight- I'll Never Let You Steal My Coffin..

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Andy's POV

I sat in the same leather chair for hours and hours, continuous beeping of the heart monitor beside me, waiting for Jane wake up from her slumber.

Last night I had secretly called 911 while Kathryn was carrying on a conversation with Jane. I'm surprised no one noticed. But thankfully Katherine didn't realize the police were coming until she was practically dragged out to the cop car and gone forever.

When the EMTs came in after the police, I had realized that Jane had passed out. After they placed the bloodied body of Oliver on the stretcher and into the ambulance, the EMTs suggested they bring out another ambulance to get Jane to the nearest hospital, but I just told them otherwise. I instead drove her to the hospital by following the ambulance and carried her into the hospital myself.

I figured it would save the driver some trouble.

And that was the last thing to happen. They put Jane into a bed beside Oliver with a curtain in between and it's been quiet since they worked on Oliver.

Honestly, I had no idea if he was alive or dead at this point. The surgeons wouldn't tell me. Or perhaps I had fallen asleep when they finished. So I finally decided to take a peek myself. I stood up from the chair, stretching my legs out and slid the curtain open a bit.

He was pale. But he was alive. The heart monitor beeped at a normal rate. When Jane wakes up, she'll be happy to know that he didn't die from the gunshot. I'm surprised he's still alive. It looked like that bullet got him right in the heart from behind. But maybe I was wrong.

In a way, I kind of wish he did die. I wanted Jane for myself. But thinking that way makes me sound extremely selfish, and I'm really not all that selfish.

I closed the curtain as silently as I could, then sat back down in my seat. This was going to be a long wait. And a complicated one at that.


It was about an hour later by the time Jane spoke. A soft, nearly inaudible whisper escaped from her peeling dry lips. "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Jane." I stood up from my chair once more and leaned over her, to where I was nearly inches from her face. My hand brushed over her forehead. It was slightly warm.

She slowly sat up, with the help of my assistance. "How? What happened to Kathryn? Where's Oliver? Is he. . ." Jane gasps, quickly slamming her face into the palm of her hands.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "Kathryn was arrested. I managed to call the police. And Oliver, he's alive, Jane. In fact, he's right beside you, sleeping." I frown slightly.

"Seriously?" Her hand snaps up sharply, looking me in the eyes. Jane's eyes were slightly glassy looking.

I nod.

Without warning, she hops up from the bed and opens the curtains very slowly. And before her eyes, a sleeping Oliver appears, looking alive and well. I walk around the bed and stand beside Jane. She's smiling from ear to ear, just watching him. I should be happy that she's happy. I shouldn't be jealous of their love and connection.

I take her hand in mine and watch him sleep, as so does Jane. I found it quite boring, but I'm here for Jane and always will be. Whatever, whoever, she chooses.

It felt like a whole other hour when a high pitched voice awakens my zombie-like state. I jolted slightly, noticing Jane staying completely still.

I look to the doorway and see the short blonde nurse appear with two visitors behind her.

"You have visitors," She announces through her plump red lips.

Before I could recognize the two visitors, Jane slips away from my grip and runs into her father's and brother's arms. I watch the family reunite, smiling, as the nurse walks away.

They finally all pulled away.

"You're okay, Jane," Her father says, a huge grin on his face, tears sprouting from his eyes. Lee nods, smiling as well, but not crying.

Now John looks to me. "Thank you, Andy. I really appreciate you flying all the way out here to help."

"No problem, sir. I care about Jane and I wanted her to be safe," I grin slightly, but softly. It was true.

Jane turns around, smiling at me. John is smiling as well. Before I knew it, I had Jane running into my arms. Who knew she could do that already? Just an hour ago she was nearly dead inside emotionally. I caught her in my arms and spun her around with what room we had to do so.

"Visiting time is over," The nurse scurried back in the room and look at John and Lee. The two nod and walk out of the room without a trace. The nurse looks to Jane and I. "Feel free to either hang out here for a while, or you can always just go home and come back tomorrow."

I look to Jane for an answer. "I think Andy and I will just come back tomorrow."

The nurse agrees and leaves the room one last time.

Jane starts to gather her things a few feet away. I follow and hover behind her. "I figured you would just stay here," I commented.

She shrugs. "I thought that too, but I decided to just stay with you."

"Erm, where am I supposed to stay though?" I reply, unsure.

"Uhm didn't you rent a hotel room when you got here?" She turns around and sits on the bed with a few things in hand.

"I sort of didn't have time to."

Jane sighs. "Well get a hotel, cause I'm staying with you."

I raise an eye brow and laugh, "Why? Don't you wanna stay with your dad?"

She shrugs and looks to the floor. "I figured I'd spend time with you." Jane meets my gaze. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," I say softly, sitting beside her. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. She lays her head on my shoulder. "but wouldn't Oliver be upset if you stayed the night with me?"

"Yeah, but he wouldn't have to find out."

"But what if he does?" I ask.

"Then I'm screwed." Jane plainly says.

I let go, standing up from the bed. "Whatever, Jane. Let's go. You know this place, I don't, so show me where the nearest hotel is." I pull my keys out from my front pocket and start to walk out the door. Jane follows close behind.

If only I had known what was to come, that was going to jeopardize my life..

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