Chapter Ten- Someone, Somewhere

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We boarded the flight to England around 7 in the morning, obviously not getting much sleep in the airport. All of us slept either on the floor or in the chairs, which was rather uncomfortable. Not only that, but the fact that my mind kept on drifting to Andy, made it all the more harder to fall asleep. I missed him already. In just a short time, I managed to really like Andy. For Oli, my liking for him just grew over the past week. I think going back to England to spend more time with Oliver, and just him, besides my family, will give me an answer to whom I’d rather be with.

I sat in between Oliver and Lee on the long flight. It was already ten o’clock in the morning. Surprisingly, I was able to fall asleep for a couple hours when we first boarded the flight, but on Oliver’s shoulder instead of the neck rest they gave you.

Being awake for an hour, I heard nothing from Oli or anyone else in the band. Needing some kind of communication, I nudged Oliver’s side with my elbow that was propped on the armrest.

He was awake. “Hmm?” Oli grumbled, moving his head slightly to see my head still on his shoulder.

“Just wondering if you were awake. I need some kind of communication.” I laugh, but keeping my voice down enough to not disturb the other passengers.

Oliver smiles, “Well, what would you like to talk about?”

I shrug, “How about us?”

He starts to look a little uncomfortable. “I thought the kiss didn’t feel right, eh?”

“Well . . .” I pause. “I’ve actually been thinking. If we spend more time together in England, maybe we’ll become a little closer. Because, to be honest Oli, I’ve liked you ever since the band got together. I guess the kiss just shocked me and I couldn’t accept that you liked me, too.”

“Ah, yeah I understand.” He takes a hold of my hand and curls it up inside of his. “But I like that idea.” Oliver pauses, deep in thought, “Also, what about Andy? Don’t you like him as well?”

“Well, yeah,” I say, “but long distance wouldn’t really work. I live in England and only go to the ‘States when you guys are on tour, and I can’t always guarantee seeing him all the time. Even if he visits me in England when he’s touring, I still wouldn’t be able to see him often.”

“That’s true . . .”

In response, I lean up from his shoulder and kiss him. This time, it didn’t shock him. In fact, he kissed back. Now, I could feel the sparks fly in between us, my heart pounding inside of my chest. I felt like I was going to explode into a million pieces.

I pull away slowly, “Oli, why do you like me anyway?”

“Well,” He starts to caress my hair, “You’re beautiful, and you have an amazing personality, you’re quite funny, too.” He laughs quietly.

I smile, “Really? But when did you actually start to like me?”

“Hmm . . .” He looks around him, then back at me. “I’d say starting a few months ago. I dunno why then, but yeah.” Oli grins.

I was about to say something, but then the flight attendant told us we were about to land.

“Finally!” I say enthusiastically.

Oli just laughs as he kisses me on the forehead, “Let’s prepare for a new journey now, shall we?”

I nod, holding his hand tight.

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