Chapter Twenty- I'm So Sorry..

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It was the morning of recording. Lee never came home, so Oliver and I went ahead and drove to the recording place, along with Marian, who we let come along.

When we arrived after the long drive, the three of us found the rest of Bring Me the Horizon already there.

I walked up to Lee, who made himself comfortable in a leather seat behind the screen and near the controls. “Why didn’t you come home, Lee?”

He shrugs. “I spent the night with the guys.”

I just shake my head and go over the notes and lyrics as Oliver talks to the manager. Marian stands beside me and just admires the studio.

A few minutes pass, until Oliver speaks up. “Okay, Lee, Jona, Matt, and Matt, let’s go.” He turns to me, pointing at the door beside the main one. “Jane, you go in there. You record separately.”

“Erm, okay.” I start to follow Oliver’s directions, until he walks up to me, blocking my path.

“Good luck, Jane,” He smiles, holding my face in his hands, and giving me a nice long kiss on the lips.

I smile back after he pulls away. “Good luck to you, too.”

Oli gives me a quick hug and meets up with the guys in their spot, as I do the same. My heart was pounding with excitement and nervousness, all at the same time. I placed the paper on the stand in front of me and put on the huge headphones.

“You ready to go, guys? Jane?” The manager says through the intercom.

I give him a thumbs up, pulling the microphone closer to me.

Let’s do this.


It took many hours of singing and hard work. At first I couldn’t get some of the pitches right, but I managed. I couldn’t wait to hear how this song turned out. The fact that it was a love song and Oliver and I were both singing made me all the more excited. Maybe this could be our song.

Luckily, the manager let us listen to the recording. Marian, me, Oliver, and the rest of the band took up every seat in the enclosed room as it began to play.

When Oliver’s voice came into hearing, I was suddenly amazed. His voice gave me chills. Obviously Oli noticed my body giving itself a quick shake, so he wrapped his arm around me, chuckling almost silently. Then I heard my voice. Everyone looked at me with big smiles on their faces. I wanted to hide under a big boulder right now. I guess I was okay, but the fact that everyone was staring at me made me feel weird inside.

“Success!” The manager announced as soon as the song was over.

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