Chapter Twenty-One- The Sadness Will Never End

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Oliver and Lee left early the next morning to practice a few songs that were going to be on their upcoming album. So, today was just a day to rest and lay around with Marian. I wanted to get to know her a little more, so this was a perfect opportunity.

It was around lunchtime, but I wasn’t hungry, so I just grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and walked into the family room where Marian was staring off into space while sitting on the couch. Taking a sip of my water, I asked Marian, “So, what do you wanna do?”

She meets my gaze, shrugging. “Not sure. You just wanna talk or something? We could get to know each other more.”

My eyes lit up as I put the bottled water on the coffee table. “You just read my mind. I was hoping we could talk more.”

Marian smiles. I sat beside her as I took out my phone. “You wanna listen to music while we talk?” I ask, browsing through the list of artists on my phone.

“Yeah, you got any Black Veil Brides? I’m in the mood to listen to them right now.”

Great, I thought. Listening to Black Veil Brides makes me somewhat sad now, because it reminds me of Andy. I just nodded and put on their song “Knives and Pens”.

Apparently Marian noticed a gloomy look on my face, because she asked, “Are you okay with listening to them? I mean, I know you still like-,”

“Just drop it,” I cut her off, without meaning to be rude about it. “I’ll be okay. I’m gonna have to deal with it. It’s not like I’ll be seeing him anytime soon anyway and it’s not like I’m ever gonna date him.” I pause. “I love Oli anyway.” I meant it, too. And to think, the first time I kissed Oliver, I thought it didn’t feel right, and it felt more friendly than passionate. But then things changed when my mother died and we had to come back. I felt more of a connection because of how close he was with my mother and it actually warmed up my heart a bit. So the feelings sprung up out of nowhere.

Marian sighs, glumly saying, “At least you have someone.” She meets my gaze for a split second, but then looks away, a shadow coming across her face.

I touch her shoulder sympathetically. “I’m sorry. What exactly happened anyway?”

Her eyes meet mine once more. “Well,” She starts, “Dylan and I were the best of friends. We were together for two long years, off and on. Not too long ago, he got fed up with me again, because I was doing marijuana all time.”

I raise an eyebrow. “You do weed?”

She nods.

I laugh briefly. “Wow.”

“Anyway, Dylan hates it when people do drugs and alcohol. I do both. Normally, he would be okay with it, but every now and then, he would get fed up with it. After a little while, he’d apologize for everything and take me back. And this is one of those moments. Although, this time I thought he was seriously done.”

I take another sip of my water and placed it back on the table. Noticing her eyes watering up, I immediately give her a hug. As soon as my arms were wrapped around her, her tears came full blast upon my shoulder. Her tears were soaking my shirt, but I really did not care at the moment. I began to rub her back. “I am so sorry . . . Maybe you’ll find someone much better, who accepts you for who you are.”

She sniffles loudly. “I guess so . . .” Her voice muffled against my shoulder.

We sat there in silence, besides her constant sniffling. It felt like an hour passed by as I studied the blank walls in front of me, but it was only a few minutes. I pull away and look at her splotchy red face. “Are you okay now?”

Marian nods, wiping away a tear that was ready to fall down her cheek.

“Okay,” I take a deep breath, exhaling out slowly.

“Have you ever been through what I have? Being with someone for so long that you really loved, and then they just throw you away like a used toy?” She asks.

I look away to the side. “No, actually I haven’t. . . I’ve only been with a few guys in my lifetime and none of them I actually loved, just liked. Oliver is the first guy I actually fell in love with within just a week.”

“Oh, well it’s the worst feeling in the world.”

“I bet it is . . .” I meet Marian’s eyes again, admiring Andy’s voice playing from my phone only inches away.

“Do you ever wish you could have been with Andy instead of Oli?”

The question struck me. I honestly didn’t know. I was in love with Oliver, but I still really liked Andy.

I shrug quickly.

Marian sighs glumly. But before she can say anything, the door opens. It was Oliver and Lee. Before Oli could realize what I was listening to, I turned off my music. The door closed behind Lee as they lingered a few feet away from us.

“Why are you back so early? I thought it would be at least another couple hours before you two would get back.” I say, as I stood up from the couch. I gave Oliver long hug and stayed in his arms as he replied.

“Everyone is forced to come home from whatever they’re doing. 20 people were just slaughtered in the mall in town by some guy.” Oliver says in a serious tone.

I pull away, giving Oliver my full attention. “What? Have they found the guy yet? That’s terrible!”

“No, they haven’t found him yet. He ran before the police could get there. That’s why everyone has to go home and lock their doors, because the guy is on the run. Bloody hell, he murdered 20 innocent people for God’s sake.”

“Wow. . . .” Marian and I say in unison.

“I wonder what got the guy to do this,” Lee spoke up. He sat down beside Marian on the couch awkwardly.

I shrug, beyond worried. Then a thought came to mind. “Where’s dad?”

“He had to get something at the mall . . . . Didn’t he? That’s what he told me he was going to do earlier . . .” Oliver said slowly. “Shit.”

My heart dropped. I hoped to God my father wasn’t one of the one murdered in the mall. I can’t lose another parent in a week.


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