Chapter Twenty-Seven- Beautiful Remains

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            Jane’s POV

            The three of us were running to escape from Kathryn, of whom we have no idea where she is located. My heart was pounding inside my chest with every step taken, moving closer and closer to the exit, along with Oliver’s sweaty hand holding mine. When the door was nearly in reach, and Andy was about to open the door to freedom, a loud gun shot rung in my ears and a loud thump. I froze, stopping in my tracks. I quickly realized I no longer felt Oliver’s touch.

            Before I even comprehended it all, a deafening scream roared out of my mouth. Sweat began to trickle down the back of my neck as I fell hard to my knees. Andy ran over to my side, reaching his arms over my back. I felt like I was living in a nightmare.

            Oliver’s body layed lifelessly in front of me, a pool of blood lingering around his body as the blood continued to crawl over the linoleum floor. It moved closer to my knees with every long second. Before I knew it, the blood stroked the side of my kneecap. With that, tears burst out of my eyes and fell to the floor, as it mixed in with Oliver’s blood.

            He was dead.


            He can’t be dead.

            “You … You bitch,” I hissed deeply. My tears clogged up my sinuses, so of course I sounded like a man. But I felt tough.

            As expected, my younger sister spoke out of the darkness. “You do realize that this bitch is your sister, right?”

            Her voice sounded nearby and awfully close. “Duh. Does it matter?” In the corner of my eye, I noticed a little light radiating from Andy’s phone. What was he doing?

            “Nope. Doesn’t matter at all.”

            “How are you still conscious? I thought I knocked your ass out for good?” Andy growled. His light disappeared.

            “Hah. Yeah right. I faked it so you can get your little friends out, so I can have a little fun. For example, I shooting my older sister’s sex slave.”

            I reacted immediately. Keeping my head down, I yelled, “He’s not a sex slave. I love him, okay? And how are you finding enjoyment in hurting us?” I glanced over at Oliver’s lifeless body. The blood stopped, as my knees were helplessly drenched in it.

            “I-,” She was interrupted by loud sirens outside. I looked up from Oliver and noticed blue and red flashing lights outside. My vision started to get hazy before I finally passed out onto the hard and cold linoleum.

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