Chapter Eight- Love Isn't Always Fair

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The next few days were spent in a hotel, resting up. The tour was postponed a week, as we were still getting over the kidnapping.

Robert was charged for kidnapping and attempted rape and put in jail for a few years or so. Good. That guy needed to have a time to think about what such a stupid thing he did.

I was sitting on my bed, listening to The Devil Wears Prada, when both Andy and Oli came in my room. Pausing the song, I sat up more in my bed, rather than the slouched position I was in.

“What’s up?” I asked with a quizzical look on my face. Andy sat on my left side while Oliver made himself comfy on my other side. They grabbed a hand of mine and held it caringly. “Uhh . . . .” My mind was confused.

“We both really like you,” Andy spoke softly.

Oliver nods, “Yeah, and we’ve been thinking . . .”

Where was this going? “Thinking about what?”

Andy says, “Who are you going to choose?”

I bite my lip and avert my gaze to the blank burgundy walls around me. “Why now? It’s too soon to tell for me. Because I like you both, too.” I turn to Andy. “I’ve only really got to talk to you for half a day’s worth, really, but yet I got to know you so well in that time through our mini conversations.” My body shifts to face Oli now. “And I’ve known you for a few years now, but never really talked much, ‘til just a few days ago, and I feel like we’ve gotten much closer.”

Andy and Oliver looked like they were deep in thought, staring at my hands.

“Oliver,” I continued as he meets my gaze, “I told you before that I just couldn’t be with you, because that kiss didn’t feel right.”

He nods disappointingly.

“Well, I’ve thought about it a little more . . .” My words come out slowly.

“And?” Oli presses.

“Hah, I’m still thinking. This is really hard on me, ya know?” I smile teasingly. They both groan. I glare at them.

“Girls can be so complicated . . .” Andy complains.

“What was that?” I pretend not to hear, but say this in an irritated tone.

“Nothing. I said absolutely nothing,” He replies in his deep voice, not even serious.

Oli cracks up, letting go of my hand. “Forget it. I’m gonna go chill with the guys.”

“Wait, what ended up happening to them when we were kidnapped?” I ask.

He sighs, “They ran off. Pussies,” Oli opens the door and winks, “See ya.”

Oliver shut the door behind him and Andy and I were left there in an awkward silence. He slips his arm around me easily and we cuddle together. I could hear a faint beating of his heart underneath his chest. I smile to myself, keeping it hidden from Andy.

A thought comes to mind.

“Andy?” I whisper against his chest.

“Yeah, lovebird?”

“If we date, how will we keep in touch? Because after the tour in a few months, Oli, my brother, and the rest of the band will be going back to England to rest up.”

“Hm . . . Well, we could use Skype?” Andy laughs. He notices my grin and continues. “That and I could get my manager to let me fly in at least once or twice a month?”

“Or I could fly into California or Ohio, wherever you’re staying. But it sounds like a good idea,” I say, becoming hopeful.

Andy’s voice becomes soft, “I know you said you’d want to think about this more . . . But Jane, will you go out with me?”

My heart drops and my palms begin to sweat, as I become nervous for some reason. “Um . . .”

I escape from his arms and into the bathroom, leaving him speechless.

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