Chapter Twenty-Nine- Rebel Love Song

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Andy's POV

I swiped the card into the door of our room, as a loud beep signaled it was open. Jane and I entered the room casually until Jane stopped in the middle of the room. The door slammed behind me noisily. She looked at the bed and then back at me. "I thought you got the room with separate beds? Not one."

In front of us was a large king sized bed, with a dark and floral comforter set. I had hoped for us to have two twin beds, but I think they heard me wrong. I looked at her. "Guess we'll have to sleep together."

Jane's nose scrunched up , giving me a confused look. "Um, what?"

"I didn't mean it like sex, I swear. Cause you're dating Oliver and... Yeah." I just stopped talking and sat on the bed.

Jane moved two feet over and stood before me. She sighed. "We need to talk."

I patted on the bed beside me.

Jane groaned and plopped down beside me.

"So what's up?" I say, facing towards her.

"Do you love me?" she asked.

Her questioned surprised me. I raised an eye brow. "I guess so, yeah. Why?"

Jane moves an inch farther away from me. "I wanna be with Oliver."


"You didn't let me finish!" she snapped. "I wanna be with Oliver... But I sort of like you. A lot. Like, a lot a lot."

"Yeah?" Inside I was screaming with excitement. But to deceive her, I put on a bored and confused expression.

Jane slams her palms onto her thighs in frustration. "Do you not get what I'm saying? I need help!"

I chuckle. "I'm a guy. I'm not good with triangular relationships or whatever of that sort. Besides, all I'm going to say is that you should be with me. But that's not going to help you any, is it?"

She frowned. "No.."

I stood up from the bed. "Exactly. Talk to some of your girlfriends and ask them what you should do."

"I figured you would be more sympathetic about this.."

I looked down at her, frowning, "Usually I would, yes. But at the moment I feel irritated." I bit my lip. I could feel my blood pressure rising. I was fine just a second ago, but now I'm really ticked off. I think I'm a little bipolar. "You left with Oli to England and decided you'd be with him, and now you're confused?!" My voice rose slightly.

Jane winced. "I was always confused. Ever since you both told me you liked me.. I mean, when Oliver and I slept together I thought-"

I froze. If I was an animated character on a television show, I could picture myself with my face blood red with steam shooting out of my ears. "You what?!"

I noticed Jane freeze as well, thinking about what she just said. She sighed, her voice shaky. "Yes, I slept with him... Can I finish what I was going to say...?" Her eyes turned glassy.

"No." I mumbled. My eyes turned to the plain white carpet, clenching my fists. It felt like she had dug her hand into my chest, grabbed my heart and tore it out of my body, then rip the heart into little pieces with a sharp razor.

"I'm going to talk anyway-"

No!" I yelled. Even I shocked myself as I punched the concrete wall beside me, not even hurting my knuckles. A tear escaped my eye as I turned my back to her.

"Andy, don't do this!" I felt a tug on the back of my shirt, hearing a small sniffle.

My head told me to ignore her. But my heart told me to kiss her.

And so I did.

I whipped around swiftly, and before she could react, I grabbed her face in my hands and kissed her like she was all I had. Her tears brushed our lips. What surprised me, was when Jane kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her tightly against me. My mind wasn't even on earth right now. All I could think was, I love her. Not even Oliver popped into my head when we lied down on the bed. I wanted her. I wanted us.

I tugged at Jane's shirt with my hand. "Yes," Jane whispered against my lips.

From then on, our clothes peeled off until we were two warm bodies morphed together as one. I never wanted anything more than her right now.

And I got her.

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