Chapter Thirty-Two- Cracked Bones With Blind Agression

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Andy's POV

I couldn't believe it. Jane was most likely pregnant. With Oliver's child. I was contained of anger, but with some happiness for Jane. As I sat in the car while Jane was in the store, I hoped she wasn't pregnant. It would save a lot of trouble for all of us.

Each waking minute was hell. I turned on the radio to calm my anxiety down. All of the stations consisted of British music. Granted, it's not all that bad, but it didn't help my nervousness at all. So I turned it off and delt with the silence.

I took a deep breath as soon as Jane walked out of the store just moments later. I couldn't tell if she was happy or disappointed. Or both.

She hopped into the car beside me and didn't say a word. I stared at her hands, shaking on her lap. "So?" I press, hoping to get an answer.

Jane sighed. "I'm pregnant."

My heart dropped inside of my chest. "Oh," I say quietly. I turned the car on and said no more. The rest of the drive was pure silence. Which killed me inside.


Jane's POV

As soon as the pregnancy test read 'pregnant', I knew my life had changed forever. For the worst, or the best, I had no idea. When I told Andy the news, I kind of expected his reaction. The rest of the drive was quiet and awkward. I had nothing else to say.

I decided as soon as we would arrive at the hotel, I would just keep to myself and call Oliver to tell him the news. If Andy wanted to talk to me, he could. But I'm not talking to him first.

As if right on cue, Andy spoke up, "So do you plan on having the baby?"

I shrug. "I guess so."

"But won't it jeopardize Oliver's career and your chance of becoming famous?" he asked.

I was slightly annoyed, but oh well. "Doubt it. But as for me, I'll just wait a year or so. Then my dad can just babysit."

"What about you touring in the summer? You do sing in one of his songs anyway. And even though the album isn't finished yet, he's still probably putting it in as one of the songs to sing."

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I snapped. I look over at him, seeing his expression go bitter. "Sorry," I apologized, " I should only be about three months pregnant by then, so I could probably still go on tour as long as no one smokes around me."

"I'm sorry I ask so many questions.. I'm just.. Nervous, confused, broken, jealous, all at once."

I frown slightly and stare at my lap. "When are you supposed to be leaving to go back home?"

"I don't know. I didn't exactly have a plan about that. I was hoping I could stay another week or so."

"Well if you want to stay for another week , it's fine by me. Except that I'll be staying with Dad, Lee, my grandma and Marian after we pick Oliver up early tomorrow morning. So you'll be in the hotel alone."

"Eh, I'll stay in the hotel, but I'll also see some sights while I'm here, too. I never get to enjoy any tourism-like things when my band and I tour."

"Alright." I pause, "I'm still sorry, though."

"Don't sweat it. You chose Oliver and I'm just gonna have to deal with it, whether I like it or not."

Inside, I knew Andy was hurting, and him hurting, hurt me too, mentally. "You're not fine and you know it."


And that was the last thing he said to me before we reached the hotel. As I entered the room minutes after, it felt like my chest was about to explode with nervousness. I had to tell Oliver that I was pregnant. I knew that he would be here for me, but he never told me that he actually minded having a child or not.

I hate my life.

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