Chapter Twenty-Six- Hold Your Breath, My Dear. We're Goin' Under.

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Andy’s POV.

            “Jane! I’m here for you!” I shouted over Kathryn’s frustration. I knew Jane was here somewhere with Oliver and I had a strong feeling she heard me. I’m not sure how I got here, but I managed to follow my instincts. And now here I was, standing before Jane’s younger sister.

            “You little punk!” Kathryn growled, as she stood before me in the moonlit hallway.

            I chuckled. “Little? No disrespect, but I’m much taller than you.” I watched as she clenched her fists by her sides, blowing her blond bangs out of her eyes. She was a least a foot shorter than me, considering I was a little over six feet tall.

            “Are you sure it’s not just those high heels you like wearing that are making you taller right now?” She sneered.

            Again, I laughed. “Kathryn, I understand you could murder me right now with your own fists, but you suck at trying to make fun of me.”

            “And you could do better?”

            “Hell yeah. I know I can. But I’m not going to. I have a couple friends to save. You know, your own sister you’re keeping captive in some room I have no idea where it’s located, with her boyfriend slash lead singer of Bring Me the Horizon Oliver Sykes? Remember? Speaking of which, why are you doing this?” I crossed my arms over my chest, the cotton fabric of my black tank top brushing against my wrists.

            “Okay smartass. I’m doing this for revenge and for the money. That’s why I’m doing this.” Kathryn spat.

            “Revenge, eh? Jealous much? Jealous of the life your mother and father gave Jane and Lee, and not you? Seems a little pointless, for Jane did absolutely nothing to you directly.”

            “Faggot, how about you just shut the fuck up?!” Jane’s younger sister screamed at the top of her lungs.

            She was probably hoping I’d wince at such a high-pitched scream, but I’m used to having loud things blaring in my ears. “How about you grow up and get over the fact that what you are doing right now is going to accomplish nothing?”

            Next thing I knew, Kathryn sprinted towards me, a look of anger printed on her face. She was nothing like Jane. It was hard to believe they were sisters. Knowing I had seconds to avoid any damage to come, I moved my body to the far right, away from where Kathryn was aiming. But apparently Kathryn knew I was going to do this, for her tiny fist came crashing into my face, right below my eye. A sear of pain spun throughout my skull, my brain rattling inside. It felt like I was floating in midair, before I crashed to the cold and hard linoleum floor.

            The hit didn’t knock me out, but I was barely conscious. My blurry vision saw Kathryn leaning over me, with a smirk on her face. “You little bitch.” I whispered.

            She bent over and sat on her knees. “You wanna prove to all your haters out there that you aren’t a pussy?” The girl laughed half-heartedly. “Well stop being one, get off your boney ass, and fight me!”

            With that and all the strength bottled up inside of me, I rose up my fist and aimed straight for her nose. My knuckles pounded onto her face, as I felt her nose crack against my fist. She flew back, blood spurting from her nose. Feeling awake and alive with adrenaline, I managed to stand back on my feet. Stumbling for a second, I walked over to Kathryn’s almost limp body just a few feet away. Now I was the one to get on my knees. Leaning over her, I smirked. “Am I a pussy now?”

            Instead of a reply, Kathryn’s mouth opened slightly as she coughed up a few spurts of dirty red blood onto her chest. “Tell me where they are.” I demanded, eager to get this all over with.

            “You see the door ahead of you?” She murmured, her voice raspy.

            I raise my head up, noticing a small, almost hidden door ahead. “Yeah.”

            “They’re in there. Go ahead and get them, but I won’t guarantee they’ll get out alive.”

            Taking that to heart, I jump up from my crouching position and jog towards the door that was closer than I thought. Hoping there wasn’t a key needed, I grabbed the door cold and metallic knob. I realized it was just a regular door with a lock that just needed a little twist. Hearing the click, my heart beat faster with excitement. I twisted it open, the door hinges creaking loudly.

            And before my eyes, sat Jane and Oliver tied up by the wrists, their eyes lit up with hope.

            “You’re here, Andy! You made it! How?” Jane rambled on as I began to untie the rope.

            I shrugged. “Kathryn punched me, I punched her. She fell and stayed down. I made her tell me where you guys were. So here I am.”

            “I mean, how did you hear about us being kidnapped?”

            The rough rope burned my fingers as I struggled to untie it all. “Well you texted me and so right away, I flew to England. Before that, I had Danny text me your address, weirdly enough. Then I talked to your dad about what happened, so here I am.” I answered. With that, the rope glided easily off of their wrists.

            The two sighed with relief as they stretched their arms in every way possible. I felt so accomplished right now. But unexpectedly, Jane wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. “Thank you so much, Andy.”

            Wondering what Oliver was thinking right now, I just put my arms around her back and hugged her as tightly as I could.

            “How about we get out of here first, before we get all happy and excited?” Oliver grumbled, with a hint of agitation in his voice.

            I pull away. “He’s right. Let’s get out of here.”

            We all jumped to our feet and escaped out of the dark room and back into the open space where Kathryn was no where to be found. The three of us just ran, as I lead the way out of this place. “Where is she?” Jane called out. “I’m freaking out right now.”

            I look back at Jane, the moonlight showing me her feared expression. I glance at Oli as well, as he quickly took Jane’s hand in his. A hint of jealousy engulfed me, but I quickly got over it, realizing getting out of here was more important at the moment.

            We were nearing the exit, our feet pounding hard on the floor beneath us. I’m surprised Kathryn has yet to show up. My heart beat hard inside my chest, giving me the feeling like it was about to explode inside of me. But when my hand was about to grab the handle to the exit door, a loud gunshot echoed within the empty walls. Within the same time, I heard Jane scream at full volume. I stop in my tracks and turn around.

            Jane was kneeled beside Oliver’s lifeless body, blood leaking out from around his chest.

            Damn it.

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