Chapter Seventeen- Black and Blue

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“What are you doing here, all alone with these bags? And to be honest, you look like a mess.” I say, kneeling down beside her, Oliver on the other side of the girl.

She shrugs. “I just got thrown out of my now ex boyfriend’s house a couple days ago. And I have no where else to go. My parents live back in America, along with my other relatives.”

“I’m sorry . . .” I answer sympathetically. I look over at Oliver as he has a look of concern in his eyes.

The girl shrugs again, taking a long puff on her cigarette.

“What’s your name?” Oliver asks.

“Marian. What about you two?” Marian replies, pushing her hair away from her face in an exhausted manner.

“I’m Oliver Sykes, and this is,” –pointing to me- “my girlfriend Jane Malia.” Oli answers.

Marian raises her head, as though looking at the sky. “Where have I heard those names before . . .?”

Oliver and I both laugh.

“Oh! I remember. . . I think.” She looks at me first, and then Oli. Marian glances back at me as she studied my face. “Your last name Malia sounds awfully familiar.” She says to me, quickly switching her eyes to Oli. “And you . . . Your name in general sounds familiar.”

I could tell Marian was in deep thought. As for Oliver and I, we were both anxiously.

“That’s it! Oliver,” –pointing to my boyfriend- “you’re the lead singer of Bring Me the Horizon! And,” –now pointing at me- “you’re the sister of the guitarist Lee Malia. Oh my gosh!”

Oliver and I start to laugh immediately, almost hysterically. “Got that right, Marian,” Oliver says, a big smile on his face.

“But, what are you two doing back in town? I thought you were on tour with Asking Alexandria and Black Veil Brides in America?” Marian asks, puzzled.

“You never heard?” I raise an eyebrow.

“I’m pretty sure no one over here in England has, whatever it is.”

My head shakes in disappointment. “Well that just shows how reliable America is about the news. . .” I look over at Oliver.

“What happened?” Marian starts to grow more concerned.

“Back in Texas, some old man kidnapped the lead singer of each of the bands and kept us hostage for a couple days. The guy even kidnapped Jane, just so he could have a sex slave . . . Sick bastard.” Oliver says. I could tell that when he said this, it was painful for him to talk about it. “So they just decided to cancel the tour and start back in a few months during summer.”

Marian’s blue eyes widen tremendously. “Seriously? And no one informed England of this?”

“Apparently not,” I say. If no one has been informed of this here in Sheffield. That means. . . “Bloody hell, Oliver.”

His eyes meet mine. “What’s wrong?”

“If no one here has heard about the kidnapping, that means neither has my dad.”

“Damn it . . .” Oliver bits his lip, looking out at the crowd of people walking by.

“I figured he would have known by now, but just didn’t say anything. But apparently he never knew in the first place.” I say. Well that just ruins my day. I can’t believe I never realized it before. “You’d think he would have noticed my nose being a little abnormal than before. I know it healed before we came here, surprisingly, but still.”

“Now we have to tell him as soon as possible,” Oliver declared.

“Does that mean we have to cancel the movie date?” I asked, somewhat disappointed.

Oliver nods, standing up. I stand up as well, as Marian looks up at the both of us.

I look back down at her. “Marian, you want to stay with us?”

As if expecting that question, she answers, “Of course. Only if it’s fine for everyone.”

Mine and Oliver’s gaze meet. He nods at me, telling me that he’s okay with her staying at the house with us.

“It’ll be fine.” I led out my hand. At first, Marian just stares at it, but quickly grabs it. I pull her up as Oliver gathers Marian’s things. Before we set off to find the car back at the breakfast place, Marian throws her cig in front of her and stomps on it.

We start to walk back the way we came. Then Oliver speaks up. “Mind if I have a cigarette, Marian? I haven’t had one all day yet.”

She laughs. “Only if you plan on giving me on back in return later on.”

“No problem. I just forgot to bring my pack with me, so I’m craving one,” He thanks her as she hands over a cigarette.

Marian looks at me. “You smoke?”

I shrug. “Occasionally. But I’d rather not have one at this moment. But thanks anyway.”

“Your loss, Jane.”

I just laugh. We reach Oliver’s car, as he opens the passenger door for me, and the door for the backseat for Marian and her bags. Not even a few minutes later, Oliver drives away, back to the house. So much for the movie date. I lean back in my seat and watch the world fly before my eyes.


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