Chapter Thirty- The Comedown.

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Andy's POV

I got no sleep that night. My mind was contained of pure guilt. I enjoyed making love to Jane, but I felt horrible for indirectly hurting Oliver. If he ever found out that is, which hopefully he doesn't, I'd be dead. Oliver doesn't particularly like me anyway.

It was early in the morning, and Jane decided we should go visit Oliver. What was weird was the fact that Jane acted like nothing happened between us. Maybe she had guilt on her mind, too.

I opened the passenger door of the car and let Jane step in. I got in the car myself and started to head out a few miles to the hospital. The first few seconds were awkward, until I started to talk. Keeping my eyes on the clear and bright road ahead, I said, "Do you wish last night never happened?"

In the corner of my eye, Jane just looked at me. "Well, I can't answer that, Andy. 'Cause I don't know."

I sighed. "I for one, regret last night. I got out of control, and you practically cheated on Oliver because of m-"

Jane cut me off. "I'm going to tell him when he gets better."

I bit my lip, so hard I could taste a little blood. The anxiety was getting to me. No words would come out, so I left the rest of the drive silent. I could only hear the loud pounding of my heart inside my chest.

I pulled into the driveway of the hospital and parked.


Jane's POV

I can't believe last night happened. I thought I was better than that. I just couldn't tell Oliver ... I'm afraid to. I love him. And I just broke him, even though he doesn't know that yet.

I love Andy too. And my feelings for him got out of control and so in the end, we slept together. It's not that Andy is bad in bed, he's great, but the fact that I gave in to it just killed me inside.

Andy pulled into the hospital and parked near the entrance. I could never look at Oliver the same. All I'll think about is the affair I had with Andy. I stepped out into the warm air with a small breeze, and walked inside with Andy walking far in front of him. He's guilty too, huh? I thought. We walked past all of the sick patients until we finally reached Oliver's room near the back of the hospital.

My heart beat rapidly as my palms started to sweat. I hoped that he was asleep, so I wouldn't choke when talking. Then I'd have to talk about last night, cause he would know something was wrong.

I had no luck these days. Oliver was sitting up in bed, wide awake and eating breakfast . I put on a fake smile and walked into the room.

His eyes brightened up when he saw me. "Jane! Baby, I missed you." Oliver dropped his food and opened up his arms. Andy moved out of the way as I awkwardly hugged him back.

"I missed you too. " I whispered into his ear. It was true, I did miss him. But I couldn't help but not be happy about seeing him. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed.

I pulled away and stood near him. "I'm glad you're okay," I said, putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. I started to bite my lip, too. Boy, was I nervous.

"Yeah, I'm surprised I made it. I thought I died as soon as I was shot." he paused. "So what happened to Kathryn?"

My mouth opened in response, but Andy cut in. "She got arrested. I managed to call the police after you got shot."

Oliver looked at Andy with such a blank expression. "Well thanks, Andy. I appreciate it."

Andy nodded. "No problem."

"Anyway," I say, turning to Oliver. "Do you know when you're getting out of here?"

"I think the doctor told me I should be getting out of here tomorrow morning. So then you and Andy could pick me up." he grinned slightly. "So are your dad and Lee alright?"

"Actually, I don't know.." My voice quivers a little without meaning to. I hope he didn't notice that. "I'm staying at a hotel with Andy.." I look away, not wanting to see my boyfriend's reaction.

"Why are you staying with him, Jane?"

I didn't have to see his expression to know he was the least bit mad. I shrugged, looking at Andy for support. He too, looked nervous. "Um, I just wasn't ready to go back home.. It would have been weird without you there." I lied.

"I used to not live there. It shouldn't have been any different than it was in the past." He paused, as I finally looked him in the eyes. I could tell he was filled of rage and pain, all at once. "Are you lying to me?"

"I-" I was interrupted by Andy, who was now standing close to me.

"Why don't you trust her around me, Oliver? For all you know, she could be telling the truth and you're just pressuring her for no reason." His voice was low and raspy.

"And why are you sticking up for her? Something DID happen..." Oliver looked away from Andy and back at me. His eyes were glassy.

"Damn you." Andy growled. And next thing I know, he left the room and I was all alone with my suspicious boyfriend. So much for keeping the affair a secret.

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