Chapter Fourteen- Tell Me That You Need Me, 'Cause I Love You So Much

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The funeral was depressing, lasting at least five long hours. Almost everyone there, every seat packed, cried at least one time during it. Placed in between Oliver and my father, at one point near the end, I noticed the both of them crying. Never in my life would I see Oliver cry this much. He cried a little when the news first sprang up, and now this. When I sang “Mortician’s Daughter”, everyone began to bawl, but softly and to themselves. While singing, I thought only of my mum and Andy. I missed them both an awful lot.

When we arrived back home, everyone kept to themselves. No one was even hungry, for we ate at the funeral. So that means no one was fixing dinner. Dad went up to his room, as well as Grandmother and Lee. Oli, even though he occupied the guest room, followed me into my mum’s room.

“So why are you in here, Oli?” I ask with wonder, sitting on the bed as I kick off my flats and throw them aside. “I thought you’d lock yourself in your room like everyone else?”

His eyes meet mine, causing my heart to stop for a second. Oli ignores my question and sits beside me on the bed, his dark eyes looking at my lips. His hand began to caress my cheek, as he scoots his body closer to mine. “I really like you, Jane.”

I ponder the thought. Never did I think he would like me. I almost want to scream with excitement as his last comment slithers through his lips.

“In fact, I think I’m starting to fall in love with you.”

Before I could reply, his lips meet mine, gently pressing onto mine, before moving into a more passionate rhythm. I could feel the love radiating in between us, my heart pounding in my chest. His other arm wraps around me as he leans me cautiously back on the bed. Oliver averts his body on top of me, each knee on either side of my hips, continuing to kiss me with his sweet, moist lips. We moved in such a way that would make other lovers jealous. Even I was never moved with such passion with past lovers.

I place my hands on his back, his own moving away from my face and on my stomach, slipping one of his warm hands under my shirt that gave me chills up and down my spine and throughout my whole body.

In between kisses, Oliver whispers, “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” I sigh happily.

From then on, clothes were peeled off, our heated bodies pressed together as one. We tried to keep it quiet, but our love wasn’t quiet and kept to itself. Our love was loud and alive. At this point, I didn’t care if anyone heard the creaking our other sounds. I was falling in love with Oliver Scott Sykes.

We continued to make love until the moon fully rose. From there, we just layed together under the sheets, skin to skin. The two of us just layed in silence, listening to each others heartbeats going back to normal. When I thought I was going to doze off on his chest, Oliver’s voice came out softly. “Jane, will you be my girlfriend?”

Without a doubt, I said, “Yes.”

I lean up and peck him on the lips, my head falling back to his bare chest. But it didn’t stop there. The door creaked open, my dad’s head peeking inside. Bloody hell, you’ve got to be kidding me.

His flipped the light on, my father’s eyes widening. “Jane!”

I dip my head underneath the covers, hiding myself and leaving Oliver to do the talking.

Oliver sat up a little more, his breath somewhat shaky. “Sir, I-,”

My father cut him off. “Don’t apologize, boy. I don’t mind. I came in here to see where you was, seeing as you weren’t in the guest room. But I found you in bed with my daughter.”

I bit my lip anxiously.

“Are you two dating already?” My father questioned.

I peeked out from underneath the covers, placing my head beside Oliver’s on the pillow. “Yes, father.”


I give him a weird look, as well as Oliver.

“Ah, sorry . . . Um . . . I’ll leave you two alone now,” He began to step out into the hallway awkwardly, turning the light back off.

“Goodnight,” I say, loudly enough for him to hear. But I didn’t hear a reply as the door shut behind him with a loud click.

“Well that was awkward.” Oliver comments, still staring at the blank white door ahead.

“Ditto. I just can’t believe no one locked the door,” My words slither out slowly, giving Oli the ‘you’re guilty’ look.

“Well sorry!” He apologizes, obviously meaning it.

I just laugh. “It’s fine.”

“Good.” He smiles, giving me a goodnight kiss. “Sleep tight Jane, and sweet dreams.”

“You, too.” My lips twist into a smirk, even though he couldn’t see it. I rest my head back on Oliver’s chest and snuggle closer to him, even though it was like I couldn’t get any closer. We were already smashed together, fitting together perfectly like a puzzle. Today was the worst day, slash best day ever. I started to doze off, images of Oliver and I running through my head.

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