Chapter Thirty-One- I Love You and Goodbye

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Jane's POV

"So, did something happen?" Oliver pressed.

Tears started to weld up in my eyes. Andy left me, so I was stuck telling him on my own.

"Yes.. Oli, I am SO sorry.." A tear fell down my cheek.

Oliver seemed speechless, as I noticed his fists clench up tightly. "Did you cheat on me with Andy?"

My face was now soaked with tears. "We slept together.. But Oliver, he's the one who started it." I can't believe I was ratting Andy out. I'm such a horrible person.

"Jane.. You could have pulled away. Told him to stop, ya know?" He looked away, his face now filled with sorrow.

"I know.. I'm so sorry. I love you, Oliver." I whimpered.

"I love you too, Jane. But, son of a bitch. I'm pissed off.. I trusted you." Oliver bit his lip.

I fell to my knees, ignoring the pain shooting up all through my body. My hands grabbed the rail of the bed. "I wish last night never happened."

"Too late now."

"What do you mean?" My heart stopped in my chest, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach came about. I grabbed my abdomen and hunched over away from the bed.

"Jane... It's -"

Before he could say another word, vomit erupted from my stomach, out of my mouth and onto the floor below. The liquidy sickness just kept on coming. It wouldn't stop. I heard Oliver use a button to call one of the nurses over. I felt a hand on my back, along with soft words of reassurance.

As soon as a couple nurses came into the room, the vomit stopped heaving up from inside of me. The nurses took me by the hands and sat me down in a chair in front of Oliver's bed. My vision was so blurry, I couldn't see the expression on his face. The nurses checked my temperature and asked a few questions while someone extra came into the room to clean up my mess.

The lady nurse asked the last question, "Did you have any sexual intercourse within a couple weeks?"

I nodded. "Two different people actually. My boyfriend Oliver a couple weeks ago and ... Someone else last night." I frowned.

"Well there's no way it could be the person from last night.."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. I was finally able to regain my vision by drying my tears, so I glanced at Oliver. His face was as white as a ghost. What was going on? I'm so confused.

"Hun, did you use any protection the night you slept with Oliver?" The nurses face grew with concern.

I thought back to the night I first slept with Oliver. It was amazing.. But, I don't remember him using any protection. Wait, what?

"No.. I don't use birth control, and Oliver-" I paused, looking at Oliver straight in the eye. It looked like he was about to go pale.

"I think you might be pregnant."

Oh hell no. "I-It can't be.. No.." I threw my head into my hands and started to bawl. I didn't want this. I still had my dreams and ambitions. I didn't want a child. At least not yet. And especially not when I'm stuck loving Andy AND Oliver.

"Sorry, Hun. Just in case, I suggest you get a pregnancy test soon, possibly, 'cause I could be wrong." One of them patted my shoulder and they all left. I was alone with Oliver.

I stood up awkwardly, my hands shaking like a leaf. Meeting my gaze with Oliver, I said, "I should go," and started to walk out of the room.

"Wait." Oliver called.

I was in the hallway, contemplating if I should go back in or not. Sighing, I did. I walked back inside and to the beside of Oliver. "What?"

He looked away for a second, and then back at me. "You know I was about to break up with you, right?"

I frown. "Yeah.. I saw that coming."

"But I decided to give you one last chance." he managed to give a little smirk. A smirk that used to warm my heart, and is warming it right now.

I lean over the bed and kiss him on the lips sweetly. It felt so right to kiss him again. "Thank you," I whisper against his lips.

Oliver smiles. "And if you are pregnant, and it is my child, I will gladly help you raise him or her, whether or not if we are still together."

I can't help but smile myself. "I love you, Oliver. I really do."

"I love you too."

I kiss him one last time. "Well, I gotta go see if I'm pregnant or not," I laugh a little. "So I'll pick you up tomorrow, and we can stay at dad's again."

"Are you still going to stay with Andy tonight?"

I bit my lip. I tend to do that a lot. "Yes, but I swear to you that nothing will happen between us."

"Alright," He spoke, unsure. "I'm trusting you."

I just smile and walk out of the room and down the quiet hallway. Speaking of Andy, I wonder where he is. Thinking he's just in the car outside, I make my way out into the bright and sunny parking lot, with the warm breeze flowing through my long blonde hair.

I found the car in the same spot as earlier, and discovered Andy in the driver's seat, smoking a cigarette.

I open up the passenger seat door and plop down, closing the door. I looked at Andy as he looked at me.

"So what's up?" Andy asks.

"Two things. Oliver is giving me one more chance.. And," I look away. "And I could be pregnant."

"Wait, what? How do you know and who could be the father?" he throws the cigarette out the open window and gently holds my chin as he pulls my face towards him.

"After you walked out on me, I threw up a lot. And the nurses think I could be pregnant, cause how I didn't use protection the night I slept with Oliver." I said shakily. I was still freaking out, but didn't really show it again until now.

"So, it's Oliver's?" Andy wondered. He sounded disappointed, even looked like it in the eyes.

"Most likely yes.." I frowned, "I'm sorry Andy."

"I'll never get to have you, huh?" he took his hand away and turned the car on, moving his gaze away from me.

I had no answer, but instead said, "In order to make sure I truly am pregnant, I need a couple pregnancy tests. There's a small store down the road, I'll show you where exactly."

"'Kay." Andy grumbled. He pulled out the parking lot and went onto the main road. Will I ever have a normal life again?

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