Chapter Twenty-Four- Die For You

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Andy's POV.

As John’s words sunk into my skin, cutting me deep, a pang of remorse struck through me. I should have come with her, no doubt. I had nothing to do with the guys of BVB anyway. We were planning on recording our second album after the tour, but that’s postponed.

If I came with, Jane and Oliver wouldn’t be together, her and I would. More importantly, she would not be missing and in danger.

After Jane’s father finished telling me every little thing that has happened the past couple days, my thoughts averted to Richard. Could he have something to do with this whole situation?

I stood up from the couch. “I have to go find them,” My voice rose, with a hint of agitation. My feed carried me quickly to the door, John watching my every move.

“Y-You can’t!” John hopped up from the couch and moved swiftly like a cat in front of me, blocking my only exit.

My veins turned into in flames inside me as my body heating in dramatic temperatures with frustration. It’s amazing how quickly I can get heated up and angry. “Sir, I have to go. I have no time to waste.”

His mouth opened to say something as his hands were thrown in the air as if misunderstood. “Andy-.”

“Sir,” I growled, my voice booming within the walls. “Do you want your daughter and Oliver alive or not?”

“Alive of course! But-.”

I cut him off, “Exactly.” I pushed John to the side, using a bit of my weight, considering his was bigger than me, disregarding the fact that this was Jane’s father. I hope he forgives me for this. He has to understand. My hand snatched the door knob as soon as John had stumbled onto the couch, falling back with a loud grunt. And before I knew it, I was racing to the rental car, my feet pounding hard on the concrete driveway beneath me. After hopping into the car, I was pulling away from the Malia household, realizing I had no idea where the mall is.

I muttered a few curse words as I drove speedily out of the subdivision. I guess I was relying on my good communication skills to ask someone where the mall was. Well, if there was even anyone out, for that matter.

Not even a few minutes after I drove out of the subdivision, my car started to slow to a stop. “Shit,” I muttered. I’m pretty sure the car was running out of gas. Luckily, there was a local gas station just a few feet away. I managed to chug the rest of the gas left in the car by driving it up the slanted driveway and next to a rusty old gas pump. I filled up the car with gas as I watched the few vehicles on the road drive by. There was a slight breeze in the air, the sun shining brightly in my eyes. Jane could be anywhere nearby if I didn’t know any better. I will find her. Them.

I finished filling up the car as I walked a dozen feet to the front of the store and walked inside. It was humid, as though no one knew how to air-condition this place. I sigh as I walk up to the counter with my money. I told him what gas pump and the money. “M’am,” The middle-aged woman looked at me, her brown eyes boring into mine. “Do you know where the city mall is?”

She nods slowly. “Go down this road about three miles and turn right on the second light, which will have been three miles,” Her voice cracks, as if her throat was dry like sandpaper. “It will be there. But I suggest you don’t-.”

“I have a very good reason to go there, miss. But thank you,” I nod and exit the humid store, feeling refreshed with the much cooler air outside. I hop into the car and follow the old lady’s directions. And before I know it, I approach the large city mall. It took up at least a mile’s worth of land. And as I expected, few cars took up the spacious parking lot. But one car near the entrance stuck me, as though it was familiar in some way.

I park mine next to the navy blue car by the entrance and step out. Realizing the windows were tinted, I cup my hands over my eyes as I press my face against the driver’s side window. I could hardly see anything. Hoping this wasn’t any real important car, I lean back and lift up my leg, raising it higher than the car. Using all my force, I smash my foot against the window with all the force in me. As I had hoped, the glass shattered around me, leaving a gaping wide hole where pieces used to be. I managed to avoid the glass that flew near my face, as stuck my arm inside and fumbled around before I found the unlock button. With a distinct click, I knew immediately that I succeeded in unlocking the car. I pull the door open forcefully and much too eager, as I plop down on the driver’s seat. I reached up to the dashboard and went through all of the random papers that layed there. Then I feel something unusual.

My hand managed to grab something square, with a leathery-feel to it. I put it in front of my face. It looked like someone’s wallet. Not even caring if it was some stranger’s wallet, I opened it up to discover its contents.

I froze. Lying snugly in a clear pocket inside the wallet was Oliver’s driver’s license.

They’re here, I thought. No doubt about it. But why would Oliver leave his wallet in the car? I chuckle quietly to myself. Idiot. But shrugging it off, I stuck the wallet in my back pocket and jumped out of the car. Slamming the door shut, without hesitating, I ran into the entrance, ready for the danger that was soon to come.

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