Chapter Sixteen- Visions

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Today was a day to just rest up. Well, Dad and Grandma were resting up, and Lee decided to hang with the other three guys of Bring Me the Horizon out of town. Oliver and I decided we’d go to see an early movie as our first real date. Yeah, it wasn’t at night time like most dates, but hey. We aren’t exactly the normal couple.

But before we would catch a movie, Oliver took me to a local restaurant for breakfast in town, considering it was about eight in the morning. “Here we are,” Oliver pulled up to a small building, with plastic tables and chairs with green and yellow striped umbrellas stuck in the middle of the tables. The building wasn’t exactly a new-looking place. I’m pretty sure the restaurant has been here for a few years. When I stepped out of the car, Oli took my hand in his and led me up to the door. An ‘open’ sign with bright red letters and a white background was hung, covering the top part of the see-through door. Oli opened the door for me, stepping aside as I walked inside.

The restaurant was the same as it had been since the last time I ate here. Rickety old fans hung above, the BBC news and music playing, with the same old waitresses serving the chaotic and hungry customers. As expected, the place was crowded, so Oliver and I stood to the side as we waited to be seated.

“Erm, do you wanna go somewhere else, Jane?” Oliver suggested, thrusting his thumb back to the door nearby.

I shake my head. “I haven’t eaten here in a while. It’ll bring back some good ol’ memories and give me a chance to catch up with a few acquaintances.”

“Alright,” Oli sighs.

Before we knew it, a good old friend named Lacey came up to us with a big smile on her rosy face. She looked the same, but in a good way. Her dark brunette hair was in a sloppy bun, not a drop of makeup on her face. But Lacey didn’t need it. The usual waitress outfit was a plain dark green dress to the knees, a white apron over it, and just regular tennis shoes.

“Well, hello there, Jane. Oliver,” She continues to smile as she grabs us a couple menus. “I haven’t seen you two in a while. Where have you gone?”

As soon as we sit at the table Lacey led us to, Oli said, “My band and I were on tour in America, and Jane tagged along.”

Lacey placed the menus in front of us.“What band?”

I laughed, “Tell me you don’t live under a rock, Lacey.”

She laughs along with me, “Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t.”

“Sure seems like it,” Oliver chimed in. “Any person in town would know this band. We kind of originated here, ya know. Even if the person doesn’t like our genre of music, they still know what band started here.”

For a second, Lacey seemed speechless. To rid of the awkward silence, I say, “Bring Me the Horizon. Oliver is the lead singer, my brother is the guitarist.”

“Oh! That’s right. I can’t believe I didn’t remember.”

I just laugh. “I’ll have a cup of coffee with some cream.” I nod towards Oliver in front of me. “You?”

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