(Final) Chapter Thirty-Three- Diamonds Aren't Forever + Epilogue

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Jane's POV

I called the hospital and asked for Oliver's room number as soon as Andy went into the bathroom for a late shower. He picked up on the first ring. "Hello?"

"Oli! Guess what?"

"What, love?" he asked.

"Turns out I am pregnant." I announced. I twirled a strand of my hair between my fingers, anticipating his reaction.

"That's great." he didn't sound completely ecstatic about it. Great.

"Yeah, I still have to tell my dad and everyone else." I said slowly.

"Does Andy know?" Oliver asked.

I sigh, annoyed, "Why must you always bring him up?" I could sense a fight coming up. He didn't answer, so I answered his question first, "Yes, of course he knows. He took me to get the test."

The other side of the phone stayed silent. I decided to speak up again. "Are you okay?"

Oliver didn't answer my question. "Jane.. I think I change my mind."

My heart dropped inside of my chest. "About what?"

"This relationship."

"Why?" I practically scream into the phone. I look over and see Andy's surprised reaction as he walks out of the bathroom. Again, Oli decides to not reply. "Are you jealous of the kind of relationship I have with Andy or something?"

"I feel like I'm losing you to him, baby."

I could feel the tears coming on. Real great. "You're not.. I love you so much. Besides, I've known you longer, liked you longer, been-"

"I'll still take care of the baby, but Jane, I just can't do it.. I'm sorry. I love you.. And goodbye."

And he hung up.

I immediately threw my phone onto the bed and flew into Andy's arms, as I started to cry on his shoulders. He rubbed my back and held me tightly against him. "I'm here for you," he whispered.

"Thank you," I mumbled against his bony shoulder, covered by a leather jacket.

" No problem, Jane. I won't ever leave your side. I don't give up on anyone that easily."

I smile against the leather. I should have stayed with Andy in the beginning and should have ignored the distance issue. Blocking out all of the memories Oliver and I shared, I leaned up and kissed Andy. The kiss was wet and sweet, giving me life. Chills ran up and down my spine. But a familiar song rang from my cell phone inside my pocket. The song Oliver and I recorded was out on my phone, even though it hasn't been released yet. Who on earth could be calling me?

I pulled out of Andy's embrace and stepped back, answering the call. I hated the song now. "Hello?"

"Hey, is this Jane?" an unfamiliar voice.

"Yeah.." I said slowly. "Who is this?"

"Ashley Purdy, I'm in Black Veil Brides with Andy. Is he there?"

I ignored the question. "How did you get my number?"

"Hun, I have connections. Now, is Andy there? I need to ask him something." Ashley pressed.

I sighed. "Yeah, he's right here." My eyes meet Andy's, as I hand him the phone. I stepped away and sat on the bed glumly. Andy continued to converse with Ashley as I was lost in my thoughts.

I was so lost in thinking about Oliver, that I didn't even notice the tears that were sprouting out of my eyes. Andy wiped them away when I realized he was finished talking to Ashley. I pulled away and looked up at him as he stood in front of me. "What was that all about?"

Andy shrugged. "The manager told him to call me, because I need to be back in Los Angeles within a few days."

"What about me? Aren't I coming with?"

"Jane," Andy started, as he sat down on the bed beside me. "what about your brother and your dad? And that chick you met... Marian? And what about the band? You have a part in one of their songs. And what about the baby? It's Oliver's.."

"Lee and my dad will be fine. Marian can come with if she wants. And when the tour starts up again, I'll sing alongside Oliver. After the tour, I can just stay with you. Any other tours when you're not there, I'll just have to go with the band and deal. And the baby.. Oliver can come visit him or her when he wants, and occasionally I'll go back home so Dad and Lee can see the baby."

Andy chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist. "You already had this planned out, huh?"

I smirk. "Getting lost in your own thoughts has an advantage."

"Baby, you actually smiled." Andy smiles widely.

"Yeah, I'm surprised. 'Cause I feel like crap right now. Emotionally and physically.."

Andy pulled me closely to him. "I'll always be here for you, Jane,"

I took this to heart and nodded. But deep inside me, I wish I could be with Oliver. Not Andy. I felt my heart crack in two inside me as I played 'Don't Go' over and over inside my head. I wish Oliver would listen to the song and take me back.. Doubt that would ever happen.


Oliver's POV.

As I lied in the hospital bed, I stared at the white walls, playing 'Don't Go' in my head many times. It was going to be hard as hell to sing that song with her now. What have I done? Bad mistake. I love her. I should be with her and stay by her side and the baby, too. I know she done wrong, but people make mistakes..

I felt like I was going to vomit as my head spun. My hand lingered over the telephone beside the bed for what seemed like hours.

I never called her.


Epilogue (Oliver's POV)

Jane never picked me up from the hospital then next day. Her dad and Lee did. But what killed me inside.. They told me Jane left with Andy to America. Even worse, she never told me goodbye...

I cried silently to myself all the way to Jane's dad's house. For the whole month, I did nothing but stay locked up in mine and Jane's old room, writing music and thinking about all the painful memories. I was dead inside.

The tour with Asking Alexandria and Black Veil Brides next month is going to be pure hell.



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