A Beautiful Discovery (1)

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"Padmé! Padmé , you'll be late!" A barking voice called to the sleeping girl. The girl mumbled something incomprehensible, and rolled over. "Padmé!"
"Just, five more minutes." The girl- Padmé- murmured, this time understandable.
"Padmé! If you're late to the academy again, they'll kick you out! Hurry!"
Padmé sat up, the bright sunlight blinding her eyes. Her dark hair enveloped her face. She was twelve years old, but just as cunning as an adult.
She groggily went through her morning routine, which mostly consisted of getting dressed and fighting someone for breakfast. Padmé is considerably insignificant.
Her hair is a dark raven color, standard. Although Padmé is rather pretty, she was still ordinary. She never talked, always observed. Sure, she's mischievous, but still not out there. Noticeable.
Nobody told her that she was special. She is never called out. Never given recognition. She lives in an orphanage, with a mixture of other girls. Girls, female of their species. There were about fifty others there. Padmé was the only of her species. Not even the wards were her species.
The head ward, Ms. Zomm, was the only one ever really around. No one knew what the other wards DID all day. Oh well.

"Master, we're closing in on the planet." The masked figure said gruffly.
"Very well. Continue advancement." Another masked figure said. This one wore a black robe, rather than the white armor defining his companion.
The figure in black walked away, dramatically. He went to his chambers and fumbled with his gloves, which were also black. He pulled his glove off, and then his helmet.
Beneath the helmet was a man, with dark hair and sharp features. He sharply inhaled. He didn't want to. He never wanted to. But he had to. They threatened her. He had to protect her.
Without realizing it, he played with a charm, which was hanging around his neck. The charm was blue, pure. Normally, it would hide. Under his shirt, most of the time.
Nobody knew who gave it to him- not even Hux. Hux was this man's friend. Friend. Although this man wasn't really sure that this was friendship. Hux also didn't know that this man had a ring on his left hand. No one did, other than the woman who put it there. Rey.
The man thought of her again- he always did. They had escaped together, for a short while. Made up an excuse and gotten married. That wasn't their only secret. While they had 'disappeared' they had an accident. Oh, but what a beautiful accident.
It was their beautiful baby girl. They had named her Padmé, after the man's grandmother. They knew that they had to return to their lives. It couldn't have lasted forever. It only lasted a year, when they had to go back.
Padmé was left at some orphanage on a planet. A quiet planet, where she wouldn't get in trouble. She couldn't mix with the man or his wife's lives.
"Kylo?" A voice called, interrupting the man- Kylo Ren's- flashback.
"Yes Hux."
"We're about to land. We'll have to go down. Terrorize people, you know." Hux responded, with a grin.
"Alright. Give me a moment."
War is such a nasty thing. Especially with Kylo, who had the light fighting so hard against the darkness. Kylo had already submitted to the darkness. It was his position keeping Rey alive.
Padmé returned from the academy, exhausted. School had been difficult. It wasn't really SCHOOL, they learned about machinery, mostly. Padmé hated it.
Unconsciously, she reached for the necklace she wore and fiddled with it. It was the only colorful thing she wore- purple. Everything else she wore was hand-me-down and grey. The necklace was all that she had of her parents. They left her without a note- just a piece of paper with her name on it. First name, no last name. What kind of name was Padmé anyways? Sure, the queen was named Padmé, but really?
Padmé removed her shawl, grey. She took her hair out of its single bun and let it flow around her face. She took a deep breath. Time to relax, go somewhere alone. Without people pointing, laughing. Oooh, look at her! The only one of her species! No one on the planet was the same as Padmé. It was stupid.
The soldiers kicked down the door. The ensemble of white clad soldiers was impressive. It was even more impressive when the two black clad figures glided in.
Kylo glided into the room. A children's home, it reminded him of Padmé and Rey. He was glad that he had a helmet on. No one could see the tear run down his cheek.
A tall woman stood in front of the children in the home. There was at least four dozen of them, hardly enough room. As regulation called, he killed her. Quickly. Kylo hated slow deaths.
Audible gasps and cries rang out from the crowd. He planned on burning the building. Just like all the others, no problem.
Just then, a girl stood up. She had dark hair, and pretty features. She wore a grey tank top and white pants that were obviously too large for her. She was the only one of her species in the group.
"Stop." She demanded. Her voice sounded weak, but she was trying to make it strong. "You can't just-just DO that!" She cried, choking up.
"Girl, I can do this. It's what I-" Kylo stopped. He saw something that could potentially change everything. The girl wore a necklace around her neck, the same one that he and Rey had given Padmé.

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