Moontale (8)

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"I'm sorry sir. You're not allowed in without an appointment. The Jedi is very busy at the moment."

"Please. I know her, she'll make time for me." Kylo pleaded. The guard would not let him in to see her. "Please."

"No. Appointments only, very busy."

"Do you think that you could.. deliver a message for me? A quick one, please." Kylo watched as the guard though for a moment, then he nodded.

"What is your message?"

"Do you think that you could hand her this-" Kylo took off his necklace with the blue charm. "And tell her "Moontale"?".

"Yes, that's not a very clear message though. Are you sure?"

"Yes, thank you."

Kylo left and made a beeline for the forest. He had set up camp there. He had a tent and a radio set up, but nothing fancy.

Kylo sat down on a tree stump and looked over to the creek. There was a beautiful bridge over it, just a few yards down. Everyone called the bridge by a simple name. A pretty name.

Padmé walked through the field of yellow flowers. The sun was shining, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. There were rolling hills of the yellow flowers.

Padmé was alone, there wasn't anyone for miles. Still, she kept walking. After what felt like a lifetime, the sun was still high in the sky.

She saw someone. Two figures, dotted out in the distance. She ran towards them. Padmé recognized them as her parents.

She ran and ran. She was within a few yards of them. She was about to take another step when, suddenly, she found herself unable to move.

Her feet were in a muddy puddle that was so thick that it held her feet. Whenever she tried to pull herself free, she was only pulled down further.

The wind picked up. It played with her loose hair and carried the unmistakable voices of her parents to her. At first, they were just noises. Then they became words.

Awful, awful words.

"You're worthless."
"You're nothing to us."
"We never wanted you."

The insults kept coming. One after another they hit Padmé like bricks. She couldn't speak, she couldn't move, only listen.

"You were a mistake."
"We're sending you away."
"We never loved you."

Again and again they came. Never stopping, never taking a break. One after another WORTHLESS and NOTHING.

It hurt. With every word, with every insult Padmé felt heavier and heavier. When the weight was almost too much to bear, Padmé heard something foreign to her surroundings.

It was a voice. A man's voice, not like her father's. It was deeper, Padmé faintly recognized it. She had heard the voice before. The voice had no body, no face. Where?

Then, it hit Padmé. The voice, it belonged to the man. The one who was at dinner the one who brought her to her mother on her first day.

The man with the funny smile and the dark hair.
"Padmé." Poe whispered, shaking the girl awake. Rey had asked him to watch her while she ran an errand. He had been in her apartment for a half hour already, but the child had been asleep for the entire time. Only now did she toss and turn.

Padmé's eyes flew open and she sat up. Her breathing was heavy and her heart raced. She didn't say anything so neither did Poe.

"Are you okay?" Poe asked, finally breaking the silence.

"I'm... fine. Thank you." The girl replied, still breathing heavily. Her dark hair was a mess, but her eyes were alert. "Where's Rey? Is she-"

"Rey's okay. She stepped out for a moment. She.. uh, she asked me to watch you."

"Oh. Do you know when she'll be back?"

"She's only been gone for a half hour or so. It may be a while." Poe though for a moment. "Breakfast? They serve amazing toast in the cafeteria."

"Yes please." Padmé heard her stomach growl and was thankful for food. She'd never had enough food to fill her stomach, until yesterday.

Poe escorted her to the mess hall and watched as her eyes lit up at the smell of the food. He smelled it too, the sticky syrup and steaming eggs.

She reminded him of his little sister so much. The little girl that didn't deserve what she was given. She deserved so much more.


"Hmm?" Poe asked.

"You've been looking at me funny."

"Oh," Poe chuckled. "You just remind me of someone. Someone I lost."

"How did you lose her? Who was she?" The girl threw the questions at him. She was honestly curious.

"She was my little sister. Her name was Alana. I lost her a long time ago."

"I don't have any siblings, never have never will. I was raised around lots and lots of little kids though." Padmé said, thoughtlessly.

"If you did, would you like a brother or sister?" Bonding seemed like a good idea. At least for the time.

"I think I'd like a brother. I was raised in a girl's home, ya know. Never really had a Mama or a Dad."

"Who are your parents? Rey mentioned that you were the daughter of an old friend."

"Oh.. um" Padmé hesitated. "I... never knew my parents. I don't know who they are. Were. I don't know who they were."

"I thought..."

"Never knew them." She interrupted. She strode off to the serving line, away from Poe.

Poe was confused. Her and Rey's stories didn't add up. Not reasonably, at least. Rey said that she had been asked to watch her. Why would anyone ask someone to watch a daughter they never knew?

People were either crazy or in their right minds. You can never tell, just guess.

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