Namesake (5)

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Sorry about the delay, here's a new part!

"I can't believe that worked. You... you're actually going to be a spy."

"I am. Thank you, Hux. For supporting me."

"Of course, anything for my favorite Knight."

"You flatter me Hux, truly."

Kylo quickly excused himself and swiftly reached his quarters. It was in a large hallway with all of the other Knight's quarters. Being a Knight was.. difficult. He had to obediently do whatever his Generals or, occasionally, Snoke wanted him to. Luckily, Snoke liked Hux and Hux liked Kylo.

Kylo removed his mask and his gloves, grabbing his blue amulet to reassure himself. He was going to go as a spy into the rebel base. That meant that, not only would he see Padmé again, but Rey as well.

Kylo heard a flutter of paper. He looked over to see an envelope on the floor, next to the door. He picked up the envelope, which was blank. He opened it. It contained a slip of paper with the details for his mission. That was fast.

He was to leave... the next day? No, the next morning. That soon? New clothes would be provided at dinner. Dinner was in.... crap. Five minutes ago. He rushed into the mess halls, ready to entirely accept his outrageous mission.
Padmé waited in Rey's apartment, alone. Rey was at a training. Padmé sat in a floofy chair that Rey has, she almost melted in it.

Padmé sighed dramatically, as loudly as she could. She was incredibly and entirely bored. There was nothing to do, and Rey would be gone for at least another three hours. Rey had instructed her not to leave the room under any condition, but a few minutes wouldn't hurt, right?

Padmé escaped the clutches of her mother's floofy chair and approached the door. Her hands hovered over the door handles before she boldly opened the big double-doors and stepped out into the large hallway.

Now, you may be wondering what exactly was going through Padmé's mind at this given moment. I can tell you that Padmé inherited a unique trait that involved a mindset that I like to call wellitshould'tkillme. This word was originated from a language called Ameian.

No that's not a play on word with my name what are you talking about haha. Ha.
Rey stood in the training arena with Finn. He held a blaster, and she a lightsaber. They were facing each other from opposite ends of the arena.

Rey pulled out her lightsaber and released the deadly blade. It buzzed in her hand; she could feel the immense amount of power coursing through her. She was in her element.

Rey watched as her friend aimed his blaster at her and pulled the trigger. The laser bullet was aimed directly at her gut. She summoned the power existing in the air, in the ground, everywhere. The Force.

She used her control to determine where the bullet was. Where it would end up. When. Where her blade would need to be to deflect it.

Rey moved swiftly. Her body moved as though it was weightless, and she held her weapon in a defensive position. The bullet flew away from her; it broke a light.

She barely had time to congratulate herself before another bullet was speeding towards her. Then another. She deflected every single one of them.

All too soon, an hour had passed. Her and Finn took a break. She put away her lightsaber, and he his gun. Sweat glistened on her forehead, and her shoulders were sore.

Rey still had two more hours of training left. Exciting. She was not looking forward to it. She just wanted to spend time with her baby.

She reached for the red pendant around her neck. The one that matched Padmé's and Kylo's. The sun blazed down and shone off of her ring. The ring that was normally hidden. Today, however, Rey kept it open. She felt oddly proud of her marriage, however hidden it was.
Padmé trotted down the long hallways, exploring. The few people she encountered were all busy, and paid her no notice.

Padmé saw an elegant pair of double doors, and instantly took attraction to them. She swung them open to see a grand room, with large stained glass windows. Colors danced on the floor, creating a marvelous display.

The windows, she found, created a story. The stories were in panels, simple. Padmé closed the door behind her, wanting complete privacy.

The first part of the story was of a man and a woman. They stood facing one another, with their foreheads touching. The man wore a Jedi's robe, and the woman wore... a wedding dress? But Jedi couldn't get married, it was against the code. The Jedi code.

"I know what you're thinking." A voice said behind her. Padmé turned around to see an old woman sitting on a bench. Her grey hair was tucked in two buns on either side of her head. Her face was wrinkled, but her eyes were young. They told a story within themselves.

"What am I thinking?"

"How they got married. Why it was allowed."

"Well you're... not wrong."

"It's not often that I am." Padmé laughed at the older woman's words.

"Do you know? I mean, how."

"Nobody knew. It was a secret wedding."

"Oh." And Padmé was reminded of her parents. They were married, but nobody knew.

"Look at the next part of the story, child." Padmé did. There was a woman and a masked figure in a split panel. The masked figure wore a black cape and clothing. The mask was also black. The woman had long dark hair, and she wore a blue dress. She had a swollen pregnant belly.

"The same people," the woman continued, "only a little while after. You may recognize the one in black, he was Darth Vader. The woman is-"

"Padmé." The younger of the two said. She recognized her, she was her namesake.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"She's my namesake. My parent's named me after her."

"Oh, so you're name would be Padmé then?"


"Are you interested in these panels? I can continue explaining them, if you'd like."

"Yes please."

"So, the third panel."

Padmé saw two infants, each in front of a different background. One was in front of a desert, and the other a castle.

"The couple's children. Twins, called Luke and Leia. Padmé passed away in child birth. Luke and Leia were separated, and didn't find out that they were twins until many years later."

"Oh, what about the next picture?"

Padmé saw two men and one woman. The woman stood in the center of the trio, and wore a white robe. She held a blaster, and her hair was worn in two buns. The man on her left also held a gun, he wore a white top and a blue vest. The man on her right held a lightsaber, and wore a black robe. He had a glove on one hand.

"That is Luke and Leia, years after their mother passed. Their friend is called H-Han. Han Solo. Together they defeated the Sith, including Darth Vader."

"You wear your hair exactly like Leia's. Why?"

"We are one and the same. You see, child, I am Princess Leia Organa Solo."

"Oh!" Padmé exclaimed. How DIDN'T she know that? Stupid. "My apologies, ma'am."

"Don't apologize! You're one of the only people who have listened to my story. Thank you, young Padmé."

I'm so sorry for the delay! This part is a bit longer, I'm so sorry!

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