Prophecy (11)

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"Poe, Poe you need to stop worrying. Everything's going to be okay, I promise." Finn took Poe's nervous hand as Poe went to fill out the adoption papers. If this was approved, then the agency would call and interview Poe and Finn via hologram.
Is that what it's called? The blue one.

If that went well, Poe and Finn would spend a week or so on the planet to spend time with their child-to-be. The child would be all theirs after that.

Poe had already set aside a room for a the kid- he cleared out Finn's old room. The one that he only slept in like, twice before moving everything to Poe's room.

Finn still wore that jacket. The one that he stole when they first met, and he thought that Poe had spontaneously exploded. How exciting would that have been? Ka-BOOM!! Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha. Maybe Poe's thoughts aren't really that interesting.
Ben glared at his buzzing communicator as it left the eighteenth unanswered call of the day. He was waiting for them to find him, track him down. He had, of course, already told Rey that they were suspecting him.

He had also expressed to Rey his concerns for her life, as she was the single thing standing in their way. Her ability to harness the good in the Force made her special. Powerful. Hopefully powerful enough to defeat Snoke, but no one's really seen him fight. No one's even seen Snoke's face, for that matter.

He watched the Knights train, and he supervised Kylo Ren going over routines with his troops. The troops that were now in the care of some other Knight, not that it matters. He could care less about the generic screw-ups.

Ben was afraid to use the Force now. He had been so used to harnessing his hate for death, for Luke, for just about everything. He had so much more to love, to find joy in. Now, he had Rey, Padmé, and his mother. The three things that were the little spark in his endless pit of hate.

Luke had talked about hate, in little Ben's training. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to pain. Pain leads to suffering. Ben had to recite those words before every session. He would never ever forget the words he hadn't listened to, although he should have.

Luke and Han would still be alive. So would the other trainees, and countless other people. But, then again, Padmé wouldn't be. They would have never run away together, and Padmé wouldn't be here. At all.

Ben stood up from his stool and paced his campsite, shivering as the sun lowered itself down from the sky. He put on a pair of wool gloves and pulled his coat in closer to him. It was going to be a long night.
"They never loved you. They were never coming back. You waited for NOTHING." The hooded figure yelled. Rey looked up at him and watched as his red lightsaber went up and he swung it to her arm. Rey yelled as a deep cut was carved into her bicep.

She could feel the tears stinging her eyes. Keep it together, she told herself. She could always feel a distinct remembrance of loneliness when her family was brought up. The family she never knew.

"The new ones don't love you either. Ickle Padmé and Mr. Solo. They hate you. They're waiting for you to go; to leave." He spat at her before raising his weapon once more. The worst thing was, Rey couldn't fight back. No Force and no words.

Rey shot up. She looked out of the window to see that it was still dark outside. She took deep breaths to calm herself before swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Slowly and quietly, she stood up and moved to the bathroom.

She turned the water on and splashed some on her face. The cold water startled her; and she looked up at her reflection.

Bloodshot and startled eyes looked back at her. Her hair was a tangled mess, and her face drenched in a salty sweat. There were dark bags under her eyes from months of sleepless nights.

She calmed herself and started to make her way back to the bedroom. She saw Padmé, still peacefully sleeping on the couch. Rey squatted down next to her and brushed a piece of hair out of her face. She pressed her lips to the sleeping child's forehead and continued back to her own bedroom.

Every night Rey hoped that maybe, just once, the nightmares would go away. They never ever did, and every night was spent tossing and turning endlessly. Occasionally, Rey was too scared to sleep; and watched the ceiling until the sun finally rose.
"He's grown. I was scared he wouldn't fulfill the prophecy."

"Not that damn prophecy again Obi Wan, I told you it was nonsense."

"Your profanities you must watch, Mister Skywalker."

The three exchanged bitter glances before turning their attention back to the man who paced below them. It would have been quite a sight, if anyone could see them. Three transparent blue figures, each in flowing robes; one a little elf-eared alien.

Luckily, no one could see them. The ghosts only revealed themselves to a select few; so mostly Luke. When Luke himself was alive, of course. Now the Jedi's ghost was looking for the ghost of Qui Gon Gin, who went missing years ago.

"Are you sure we can't go see her? Just looking over her for a moment couldn't hurt."

"Anakin, you know that Rey would notice us."

"Like a hawk, watches young Padmé , Rey."

"And would seeing Rey really be a bad thing?"

"Anakin, I said no."

"I'm no longer your padawan, I can act on my own account."

"Your tongue, you must watch."

"I'm going."

"Where? Anakin..?"

"Away. I won't go and see her, promise!"

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