Absolute Chaos (13)

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"Someone's here."

"Rey, it's just you and I. There's no one else here."

"The Force- it's.."

"Rey." Anakin said, finally showing himself. The girl jumped, and her husband put his arm around her.

"Grandfather? How...?"

"I'm here to warn you-"

"We already know about the war." Rey interrupted.

"Padmé, she-"

"What happened? Is she okay?" Ben blurted.

"Let me speak! She's bringing Leia here. She's angry and sad; and that makes her dangerous. Especially with so much of the Force."

"Oh child, what has she done?"
"She's just down this way." Padmé alerted her companion, who knew perfectly well where she was going. She still hadn't given her the pricy gift that she had purchased.

Her behavior was... different. In the week that she'd been at the base, she'd had the same chirpy attitude. Now, she was bitter; sour, even.

She'd seen something similar, in Ben. The light slowly left his eyes, his face had slowly hollowed. This, of course, was more subtle. Probably not a big deal.
"What do we do? They'll be here any second; you have to hide!"

"This isn't fair to her. She deserves to know."

"No! Anakin, I'm a Jedi Knight; I can't just come up with - 'I'm married and have a kid, surprise!'"

"Rey, love-"

"I'm- I'm" Rey took a deep breath. She closed her eyes tightly; and even pulled her hair in frustration. Tears stung her eyes as she desperately tried to find a solution.

"Breath, love. Calm down."

"Maybe this isn't... the worst situation."

"It might be! I won't be able to fight this damn war when Leia kicks me out! I won't be a Jedi; I won't be ANYBODY! I'm the only one, Anakin. The one, single Jedi in the galaxy. I can't just be disgraced."

"How do you know that she'll kick you out? She might.... sympathize."

"But how do you know that she won't? I would disgrace Padmé; I'd disgrace YOU. We'll be out on the streets; I'll be back on square one."

"You need to breath, calm down."

"There's no time! Time, time." She could feel her heart rate quickly speed up. Her stomach churned, and her vision went fuzzy. She couldn't hear anything; but grabbed Ben's hand for support.
He caught her before she hit the ground. He picked her up and held her; just like he did at their first meeting. Looking at her in disbelief; he didn't notice the footsteps coming down the hall.

Everything happened in slow motion. The door handle turned; the door opened. Someone walked in. Still; Ben didn't look up from his wife's limp face.

She hadn't passed out since Hi' ina. When Ben had almost gotten caught in a flash flood; and he couldn't contact her. She'd been maybe five months pregnant; the neighbors found her hours afterwards. She wouldn't wake up for a while; and when she did she wouldn't calm down until Ben showed up. He'd thought he was scared then.
"Who..... who are you?" The person who had opened the door was not, in fact, Padmé. It had been Poe; who was about to inform Rey about his appointment with the adoption agency.

"I'm- I'm.... who are you? Not the point; I need a doctor." Ben answered, slowly.

"What did you do to her? Why's she...?"

"She panicked! She's scared; Padmé's about to do something bad. We can't stop her; just get Rey help!" Ben cried. He cradled her, now on the floor. He brushed her hair out of her face, and slowly stroked her hair.

He didn't even question the strange man. The one who seemed to care for her; she just had to be alright. People don't just fall unconscious and wake up alright. No one does; and no one ever will.
"This is Pilot Dameron; calling from hallway C- 12. There's a medical emergency in housing unit 44. Jedi Knight; Rey...... about five minutes." Poe reported. The amount of times that he had practiced and gone over those lines had hardly prepared him to call for one of his best friends.

He looked again at her limp body. Her face looked peaceful; and her form less intimidating. It simply wasn't Rey.

He bit his lip and held back tears. She was in pain. And while she's been through worse; this was still a serious matter. Hearing footsteps outside; he expected help, and turned to inform them further on the situation.

Padmé walked in. The twelve year old girl; the accidental cause of the chaos.
"You!" Padmé accused; instantly pointing at her father. He was still helpless on the flood, holding her.


"No! You've been back for less than an hour; and you've ruined EVERYTHING."

"Padmé, please-"

"Poe, you know NOTHING of what we're talking about; and you're not supposed to. Please; just... leave." Then, turning to Ben, she added- "What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do it, I swear." His throat caught; and he choked back a sob. Padmé was angry; and Rey was unconscious. Leia was right outside the door. There was a strange man; in the middle of everything. Absolute chaos.

"Then who. Did."

"Y- you."


"She was worried about you and- and Leia."


"Her secret. Your secret. Our secret, Padmé."

"But I thought-"

"We didn't know either. She wanted an answer; but couldn't find one. She's stressed and she- she hit a breaking point. I'm sorry."

"What secret? Padmé-" Poe intervened.

"It doesn't concern you." She muttered.

"Padmé, are you alright? There's an awful lot of yelling." Leia asked; poking her head through the door.

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