Buried In Sand and Covered In Rocks (10)

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"Where did you go?" Padmé asked, changing into a stolen pair of pajamas. Her and Rey were finally alone, back in Rey's apartment.

"I went to meet an... old friend." She replied, in no hurry to tell her daughter the truth. Scared for what it would do to her scared for what she'd do; Rey hid the truth. At least for a little while. What would Padmé say to finding out that Ben didn't want to see her? Well, he did, but he was scared for Padmé. Why is everyone afraid for Padmé?

"Old friend huh? Speaking of," the girl replied, gaining a certain cocky air, "Poe asked me about my parents. I told him I never met 'em, but I think he might be on ta us."

"Oh baby what did you tell him? Padmé-"

"Nuthin' bad exactly. I told him that I never met my parents, just like I just told ya."

"That's all?" Rey asked, raising an eyebrow. If her secret got out, the pair- no, the three- of them would be in a buttload of trouble.

"Cross my heart, buried in sand and covered in rocks!" The girl proclaimed, standing defiantly as she did so.

"What?" Rey questioned. Not once had Padmé used such weird language.

"It's- uh. Just something the girls and I did back on Riejh. Actually, all the kids did it. Even the ones at school, it's a bit funny though, I gotta admit." Padmé smiled sheepishly, but Rey couldn't help but laugh. When Padmé looked at her, slightly embarrassed, her mother stopped giggling.

"I love you, you know that?" Rey asked pulling her daughter into a hug. Padmé let out a huff of air and smiled.


"Cross my heart, buried in sand and covered in rocks."

Leia hummed quietly to herself as she navigated the bustling crowd. Market day was always busy, especially in the warmer months. All of the local farmers would bring their produce and sell it. Occasionally, sellers would come from other planets to sell their goods.

Unless you produced your own food, this was the only was to get any. People also sold other goods, like carvings, art, cloth, and whatever else you might need. It was very busy, as it only occurred once a fortnight.

Leia looked down at her almost empty basket. All that it contained was half of a pear; she had gotten hungry. Looking around, she saw a colorful clothing stand. Leia walked inside and saw a magnificent selection of clothing. Leia, having a high rank in the rebellion, could easily afford all that her heart desired. Unfortunately, her heart desired something that money couldn't buy. Something that went away when Ben fell, when Han left, and when Luke disappeared. Everything was just a black pit from there. Leia had submersed herself in her work.

Leia had finally found someone that might have filled that gap. The little girl with the funny ears and the radiant laugh. Leia felt something for her that she had only felt once before- for Ben.

Leia delicately ran a smooth piece of fabric between her fingers. It was a beautiful blue, and the silk fell draped down to the floor elegantly.

"My mother made it." A voice commented from behind her. "My husband and I run the stand."

"It's beautiful." Was all Leia could say. She  turned around to see a woman with delicate red curls and quiet grey eyes.

"She only ever made one like it. For the late queen, actually. It was- uh, for her funeral. She was buried in an exact replica of that very dress." The woman had tears in her eyes as she remembered the beloved queen. She, herself, had only heard stories, but still idolized the woman.

"How much? I- I think that I know someone who would suit this dress perfectly."

"Oh- I, uh. I've never really thought about a price for it. I'll see what my husband thinks, he's the business-ey one." The woman scurried off to find her husband while Leia just stood gazing at the dress. The prospect of her own mother being buried in a replica of the dress brought a warm feeling to her chest.

"That's pure silk, so it'll be pricy." The stall-keeper stated, returning from her little journey. "Eight-hundred fifty credits, he said. Might be the priciest thing we got. Everything else is cotton. You still want to- ya know, purchase this?"

"Yes." Leia said without batting an eye. She, of course, had almost no limit to her credit amount. Hopefully the dress would be put to good use. Little Padmé might not even like dresses for all Leia knew.

"If you'll follow me to the counter then, we can finish your transaction." She carefully took the dress off of its hook and brought it over to her counter, gesturing for Leia to follow.

Ben fixed his hood back to hide his face. He watched as an old woman looked peacefully at a blue dress. He watched as she bought the dress and packed it in her basket. When she moved on, he followed her.

Ben kept his distance, but always kept his mother in sight. He knew it could be dangerous to be out in the open, but he was willing to take the risk. Anything for his mother. It hadn't taken him long to realize that Han hadn't been his fighting light- it had been Leia. He, obviously, wasn't going to kill her.

He had already accepted the light. First Leia's, then Rey's, and, finally, little Padmé's. He had kept Vader's old mask, with still the same task in mind- to finish what he started. Not killing the Jedi anymore, but a family. Anakin's end had been as Anakin- he gave up Vader in the last moments of his life. For his family. For Luke. Luke.

Ben wished he could have said goodbye, and maybe apologies, for all of the things he had done. Stupid Snoke, killed him before Ben could have the chance. Snoke was going to pay. With Ben now against him, he was determined to conduct his downfall, if even from a distance.
Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get you a chapter, I've been dedicated to my work as worst author ever.

How are you liking the story? Is anything NOT clear? I honestly have no idea, so it's all on you guys.

Over 100 reads guys!! I was writing this story and thinking- maybe I'll get like four. NOPE!! Thank you so much!

Btw idk how many of you guys I'll have to clear this up for, but a fortnight is two weeks.



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